Chapter 50- The Song Clan

Chapter 50

         Long feng was stopped short by the sight of the long clan from a distance. The whole clan was in total shambles. All buildings had been destroyed completely. Many corpses of the clan members were strewn around. The sight was scary. All the corpses had been murdered brutally. The whole clan was deserted. This could be called a total annihilation of a clan!

Long feng was too stunned to even blink. He was completely subdued. He couldn't speak, only stare.

"Long feng..." Yan Jian tried to speak. They could understand what had happened. Someone had annihilated Long feng's clan in his absence.

Long feng guessed who that someone was. And if something happened to his father, then Long feng wouldn't spare whoever it was. He would slaughter that person no matter the odds.

The four clans!

They had the best reason to annihilate the long clan. The combined prowess of the four clans was almost five times stronger than the long clan, so they could almost easily destroy the long clan in their search of Long feng.

       Long feng suddenly shot into the destroyed clan and began to search through all the corpses. If Long yuan was dead, then Long feng would definitely avenge him. He would slaughter the whole Jianhai Province in his vengeance. He could have searched through the corpses by merely spreading his soul power, but he preferred to search with his own hands. Yan Jian and Li yu'er waited silently for him.

           After a three hours search, Long feng was slightly relieved. Long yuan's corpse wasn't here. He also noticed that all the important members of the clan's corpses were not there. All the corpses present were those of the ordinary elders and members of the Long clan. Long feng was more relieved by this discovery. He headed back to Yan Jian and Li yu'er. He looked at them.

"You don't need to follow me. What I am about to do is quite dangerous. I don't want to endanger your lives." He said.

"Nonsense! I told you how I grew up alone, as a traveller. I had to kill on a daily basis in order to survive. A little Yin level enemy wouldn't scare me. Count me in!" Yan Jian shouted.

Long feng smiled at him gratefully.

"I'm in" Li yu'er said slowly.

Long feng's smile widened.

"I am definitely sure that the four clans are behind all this." Long feng went on to explain how the four clans tried to, and are still trying to kill him. "I want to pay them a visit. My first destination is the Song clan" he said. Yan Jian laughed.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" He said.

       It didn't take long for the trio to arrive at the Song clan. The Song clan was a little bit smaller than the long clan. The whole clan was lovely which was in direct contrast to the deserted Long clan. Long feng also noticed that all the powerful members of the clan were absent. He couldn't sense any aura above the rank two Yin level. His guess was that they had gathered in the Gong clan.

Unfazed, Long feng walked up to the gates of the Song clan, where he was stopped by a dozen of peak connate level cultivators.

"Stop right there! This is a restricted area from outsiders!" One of the guards shouted.

None of them seemed to recognize Long feng.

"Hey! Are you deaf? Don't come any closer!" The guards notices that Long feng and his friends were headed straight towards the Song clan gates without paying heed to the warnings.

"You are seeking death!" A rank nine connate cultivator shot towards Long feng.

A cold glint of sword light appeared and disappeared suddenly. The peak connate cultivator instantly fell, dead, his head detached from his body. Although this was Long feng's first kill, he felt normal.

The other guards were frightened out of their senses.

"W...who are you?" One of them asked. Long feng merely smiled. Sword light appeared and disappeared again, and all the guards fell dead!

      Within the Song clan, Long feng, Yan Jian and Li yu'er were simply unstoppable. They would slaughter through the clan easily.


       In a wide space within the Gong clan, many individuals stood. They were from the four clans, and Gong shi stood in their midst. Gong Yun stood beside him.

"It has been two months now. He still hasn't returned. I'm having a bad feeling" the Song clan Chief spoke.

Gong Shu frowned.

"Be patient. Unless if he wants his father to remain in our grasp, he would definitely return. If not, I will personally torture Long yuan to death" he returned.

"Wherever he is, we can't afford to let him live, and we also can't afford to give him more time to improve. By now, he should have reached rank eight connate level" the Xuan clan Chief said.

"He still has a long way to go if he wants to be strong enough to defeat the four clans alliance." The Li clan Chief said.

The others nodded.

As they spoke, a bloodied figure ran into the place screaming. If one looked closely, They would notice that the figure was donned in the outfit of the Song clan!

"What is going on?" Gong Shi asked imposingly, but he felt sick upon seeing how badly injured the figure was. He had little chance of survival! Gong Shi frowned.

"What happened? Who did this?" He asked

The figure, who seemed to be in great pain, knelt before the Song clan Chief!

"Father!" He shouted.

The figure was actually the Song clan Chief's son!

" Yun!" The Song clan Chief was stunned. This bloodied, half dead figure was his second son, the most talented junior within the Song clan!

The Song clan Chief was seized with unbelievable rage!

"Who did this to you? Tell me. I will butcher the person's whole clan!" He raged.

      Song Yun didn't seem to care about what his father was saying.

"It's gone. Everything is gone. I saw them....they were all killed. Everyone, not even the animals were spared" he muttered.

Everyone fell silent.

"W..what do you mean?" The Song clan Chief asked.

"They killed everyone! Elder brother, second sister, everyone was killed. They left me, to come and tell you. T... they crippled my cultivation! Three of them!" Song Yun shivered in fright.

The Song clan Chief looked devastated. He was shattered. Song Yun's dantian had been pierced, crippling his cultivation for life!

"Who? Who did it?" Gong wuque asked.

"Three of them. They were three young people, two men and a lady. They killed everyone, we were powerless to defend ourselves against them. They said they are coming here soon. You should all run away! Yes! Run as far as you can" Song Yun seemed to have been badly terrified and he was now acting weirdly.

"Three young people" Gong Shi muttered. His first thought was Long feng, but he didn't think Long feng was strong enough to do that. It had to be someone else.

       Who knows, maybe, the Song clan had mistakenly offended the disciples of a Yang level power, and the three young people annihilated the clan for revenge.

"I must get going. Whoever it is, I will flay them and peel their skins off their bodies." The Song clan Chief charged out of the Gong clan and headed towards his clan.


       Three figures left the vicinity of the Song clan and headed in a random direction. These figures were Long feng, Yan Jian and Li yu'er. Their clothes had small blood stains on them.

"Brother feng, that was fun. Where next?" Yan Jian asked. They had simply butchered the Song clan and left the Song Clan Chief's son to go and inform his father.

Long feng thought for a minute.

"Let's visit the Xuan clan" he smiled....