Chapter 51- I'm Coming!

Chapter 51

         Gong Shi and the others waited impatiently for any news. They all felt threatened by this new enemy. They waited for almost two hours, before news arrived. But this news threw their minds into chaos.

Another bloodied figure ran into the place. His cultivation was clearly crippled and he was on the verge of dying! And he was wearing the robes of the Xuan clan!

The Xuan clan Chief was instantly alert.

"Xuan wuji!" He recognized the figure. He was the grandson of the Xuan clan's great elder! And he was also the most talented junior of the Xuan clan!

Xuan wuji wasn't as lucky as Song Yun. Immediately he arrived, he fell down, dead! His injuries were far too serious.

The Xuan clan Chief's eyes reddened with rage as he left without a word, headed back to the destroyed Xuan clan.

      Now, even Gong shi couldn't remain calm. This could not be a coincidence. Someone might really be waging war against the four clans. And their enemy's identity was a mystery!

"Send more Yin level cultivators to guard the long clansmen. The remaining should all stand guard outside. Protect the Gong clan at all costs!" Gong Shi ordered. He had a feeling that all this could be related to the long clan.

"Clan Chief Gong, I must go and protect my clan too. I will see you later" The Li clan Chief spoke to Gong Shi before hurrying out of the Gong clan.


       Long feng, Yan Jian and Li yu'er walked down a sloping pathway towards the Li clan.

"Miss Li, what a coincidence that this Clan shares the same same surname as you. Are you in my way related?" Yan Jian asked.

"I don't know" Li yu'er replied coldly.

"I would really feel bad if, after destroying the Li clan, we find out that miss Li is actually a member of the clan" Yan Jian joked. Long feng laughed.

They had already arrived at the Li clan. Without warning, Long feng attacked and killed all the guards.

      Long feng's blood stained Sovereign sword jumped out of his void ring into his hands. The three of them were like demons, incessantly killing. The Sovereign sword was like the  synthe of the death god, no one was able to escape from it's might.

       Few minutes later, almost half of the Li clan was already destroyed. Corpses lay in their own blood.

Suddenly, Long feng looked at a direction. Although he had a smile on his lips, his eyes were ice cold.

        Figures appeared in the distance. It was the Li clan Chief and the other powerful elders of the Li clan.

Seeing their clan Chief returning, the Li clansmen were elated.

"It's Lord clan Chief! We are safe!" Someone shouted.

"Lord clan Chief is back! Now we'll see how these three will continue acting haughtily." The Li clansmen cheered.

"Miss Li is nothing like these cowards. A minute ago there were begging us to spare them. They were even willing to renounce their identity as Li clansmen. Now, they are acting arrogantly again?" Yan Jian mocked.

       Soon, the Li clan Chief arrived at the Li clan, followed by the grand elders of the clan. His aura was that of a rank four Yin level cultivator, overwhelmingly powerful.

If it was before, Long feng would have felt awed at the Li clan Chief's cultivation, but now, he felt nothing but disdain.

The Li clan Chief looked as if he had been struck by lightning upon seeing Long feng. He was completely stunned.

" are the one after all!" He blurted out.

"You annihilated the Song and the Xuan clan!" He said.

Long feng nodded.

"I did. And I am here to eliminate the Li clan too." He replied nonchalantly.

The Li clan Chief laughed.

"I don't believe that you became strong enough to threaten the four clans within a few months." He said, then turned to Yan Jian and Li yu'er. "State what Long feng gave you and I will double it. I just need you to stay out of this matter, young friends." He spoke gently.

Li yu'er couldn't help but chuckle while Yan Jian laughed out loud. The Li clan Chief frowned.

"I will give you two hundred Yin crystals and one Yin level armament each." He enticed.

"Old man, even if you offer to be my guard, I will not abandon Long feng for any reason. Your hundreds of Yin crystals mean nothing to me" Yan Jian laughed.

The Li clan Chief's face turned ugly.

"I am merely granting you a path of survival. Don't think I am afraid of you!" He shouted.

"Why the words then? Let us end this!" Long feng poured his energy into the Sovereign sword. The sword shivered in excitement.

"If you do anything stupid, the whole Long clan, as well as your dear father and the old clan Chief will be killed in the most brutal way possible" the Li clan Chief laughed threateningly.

Long feng frowned, his eyes becoming terrifyingly cold. Even the Li clan Chief felt lost when he stared into those terrifying black orbs in Long feng's eyes. They were like the depth of a demon pit. He had to avert his gaze.

"Die!" Long feng's cold voice travelled throughout the city. The Sovereign sword glimmered coldly as his aura burst out of his body in suppressive waves like a broken dam. Sword lights shot towards the Li clan Chief with unbelievable speed. The Li clan Chief was dumbfounded. Long feng's cultivation was peak connate level! And was comparable to a rank four Yin level cultivator! What sort of cultivating speed was that?

"You....!" The Li clan Chief was beginning to feel terrified.

Yan Jian attacked the cultivators below the Yin level, Li yu'er attacked the elders and grand elders, while Long feng shot towards the Li clan Chief.


Fists and palms collided dozens of times. The energy ripples from Long feng and the Li clan Chief's battle was enough to destroy what was remaining of the Li clan.


The Sovereign sword collided against the Li clan Chief's weapon, a heavy Yin level axe.



They collided multiple times again and again. Soon, it was clear who had the upper hand.

       Meanwhile, Yan Jian and Li yu'er had killed off every single member of the Li clan! All that was left of the once glorious Li clan was piles of warm corpses scattered about.


The Li clan Chief's palms began to crack and bleed from the collisions. Even his inner energy was in chaos.

'hah!' he yelled slightly, bringing his axe down towards Long feng's head with all his remaining strength.

"'Hmph;'" Long feng harrumphed coldly.

Void Roc technique!

       He instantly appeared behind the Li clan Chief like a ghost and thrust his sword.

'pu!' His sword tore through the Li clan Chief's back, And pierced his dantian. The Li clan Chief was stunned. His dantian had been pierced! That meant his cultivation would disperse! He would become weaker than an ordinary mortal!

Long feng grinned and released a flush of energy into the Li clan Chief's dantian through the sword. His dantian was instantly disintegrated to dust!

"Argh!" The Li clan Chief shouted in rage, fear and anxiety. It took him almost a hundred years to reach his current level, only for it to be wasted! He felt unwilling to let go, unwilling to forgive.

"Long feng! I will flay you! Even if I die, my spirit will haunt you! I will chop your body into hundred pieces! I curse you to die! You will never progress in your cul.....argh" he screamed in pain. Li yu'er had sliced off his tongue as he spoke!

"He talks too much" Li yu'er said coldly.

"Oh well! Our work here is done" Yan Jian laughed.

Long feng eyes turned colder by the minute. He gazed in the direction of the Gong clan.

"Father, I am coming" he thought...