Chapter 52- Rage!

Chapter 52

          Within a decorated palace in the Gong clan, Gong Shi, Gong Yun and the other high ranking members of the Gong clan were gathered. The Song and Xuan clan Chiefs were also there with their remaining clansmen.

None of them looked calm. They mostly paced up and down the palace.

"I will make these people, I will make them scream out their organs in pain. I will torture them until they can't even think again" the Song clan Chief swore.

"You have been literally repeating the same words for the last three hours. Can you be quiet?" Gong Shi asked. He was relatively calmer because he was a rank five Yin level cultivator and the great elder of the Gong clan, Gong Yun was a rank six Yin level cultivator. He was confident in defeating the enemy.

"Hmph!" The Song clan Chief harrumphed coldly and waved his sleeves.

"Where is that old Li anyway? It has been a while. Has something happened to him?" The Xuan clan Chief asked.

"He should be fine. He is probably mourning his clan" Gong Shi replied.

"I will not rest in peace until i flay those three youths and feed their flesh to the dogs. Only then can I explain my carelessness to my ancestors" the Song clan Chief raved on and on, raining curses on the three youths.

       Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded from the gates of the Gong clan. Pained screams spread into the palace.

Gong Shi's gaze turned cold.

"Since they dared to come, they can forget about leaving this city alive!" He declared. "Activate the sealing formation!" He ordered. The sealing formation was an ancient formation passed on from generations to generations of the Gong clan. Once activated, a barrier would seal the Gong clan from the outside world, blocking all entries and exits out of the Gong clan. It was mainly used to protect the Gong clan from enemies. Now, Gong Shi was planning on activating the formation in order to prevent the three youths from escaping from the Gong clan.

The sealing formation could only be used once, and it could withstand the full attack of a peak Yin level cultivator twice!

The sealing formation was activated. A thin energy barrier appeared over the entire Gong clan, blocking all entries and exits! No one could enter or leave the Gong clan as long as the barrier remained.

     Gong Shi, Gong Yun and the others charged out of the palace, only to stop suddenly.

Not far away were three young people, two men and a woman. The three youths were seated cross legged on the floor, their backs facing Gong Shi and the others. Around the three were almost a hundred corpses of the Gong clansmen on the blood stained floor!

Gong Shi's eyes reddened. Within a short time, these three youths had killed almost a hundred persons! This further proved how strong they were.

"I don't care who you are, but since you dared to come to my territory and kill my clansmen, then I will be merciless" Gong Shi said cooly.


A soft laugh escaped from the lips of the young man seated in the center.

"Gong Shi, it has been a while." The youth spoke.

Gong Shi frowned. He found this voice very familiar, but he couldn't guess who the youth was.

"I thought this was between the four clans alliance and me alone, but you dragged my clan into it. That is unforgivable!" The youth spoke carelessly, but the entire Gong clan became dead still.

" are Long feng!' Gong Shi blurted out.

Slowly, Long feng stood up and turned around. A slight smile played on the edges of his lips.

"You recognize me! I am flattered!" Long feng laughed.

Gong Shi's expression turned darker.

"Hmph! You dared to return? How audacious. Don't dream of leaving this clan alive!" He stated, his eyes dripping rage.

Long feng laughed mockingly.

"I would never even dream of a lowly Yin level clan like the Gong clan!" He said.

Gong Shi felt like exploding with rage.

"Whoever kills that bastard will be granted anything he wants within this city!" He shouted.

That caused quite an uproar among the Gong clansmen, but no one stepped forward. After all, their last encounter with Long feng, many rank one and two Yin level cultivators were killed by him, and even a rank three Yin level cultivator!

Long feng's smile widened

"Your clansmen are terrified of me. I suppose you will just have to do it yourself" Long feng was definitely not Gong Shi's match, because his combat power was only comparable to a rank four Yin level cultivator and Gong Shi was a rank five Yin level cultivator. There was also the rank six Yin level great elder of the Gong clan to be worried about.

Gong Shi laughed suddenly.

"Alright, Long feng. I admit, even I am quite afraid of you because I don't know what your cultivation level is. But I still have your clansmen with me. If you dare touch anyone within this Clan, I will slaughter the entire Long clansmen, including Long yuan!" He said.

Long feng's eyes froze but he continued smiling.

"Gong Shi, can't the four clans take on a small boy like me? Why bring the long clan into this?" He asked mockingly.

"Hmph! Bring out the prisoners!" Gong Shi ordered.

Gong Yun and a couple of elders ran into the depth of the Gong clan, only to appear few minutes later with dozens of chained, emaciated figures walking after them!

The prisoners were chained from their hands to their feet. The chains were so heavy that the prisoners couldn't even walk properly.

Long feng had no difficulty in recognizing the old clan Chief, Long Wei, Long qianmu, even Long qing! They were all badly injured.

Then Long feng saw his father. Long yuan's chains were twice heavier than the others. His whole body was bloodied, filled with gaping injuries. His figure was so emaciated that Long feng couldn't believe that he was Long yuan.

Long feng's smile froze. His eyes became unbelievably cold, like those of a demon god.

He had had enough! The Sovereign sword shot into his grasp.

"Feng'er?" Long yuan exclaimed.

"Hurry up and escape! We will be alright!" The old clan Chief shouted.

Long feng's hand shivered as he suppressed his rage.


A sharp sound echoed as the chains binding the old clan Chief were cut apart by Li yu'er. No one had noticed when she appeared behind the old clan Chief.

"Die!" Long feng shot towards Gong shi. Gong Yun released his aura of a rank six Yin level cultivator and wanted to attack Long feng, only to be attacked by the old clan Chief.

"Gong Yun, the last time, we couldn't complete our battle. Let us do it now!" The old clan Chief said coldly. Although he was injured, he still wasn't afraid of Gong Yun.

       Gong Shi was frightened as he saw Long feng attacking him, but then, he noticed something.

Long feng was one level weaker than him! Long feng was only comparable to a rank four Yin level cultivator! Gong Shi was suddenly elated. He instantly dodged the Sovereign sword.

"You brat! Is that all you got? And yet, you dream of annihilating my Gong clan?" Gong Shi laughed.

Long feng grimaced.

"This rank nine connate cultivator will raze the Gong clan to the ground today!" He replied.

Nirvana saint technique, nine zenith sword strikes!

      He thrust his sword at Gong Shi nine times. Gong Shi dodged each thrust, laughing lazily.

Suddenly, the Nine strikes superimposed on each other. Long feng thrust the sword again. The thrust was nine times faster and more terrifying than the other strikes!

Gong Shi's expression changed slightly. He managed to barely dodge the final strike.

"I won't underestimate you again. Go to hell!" Gong Shi punched out with all his energy.

Long feng couldn't dodge the punch in time, so he instinctively crossed his arms around his chest.


    Long feng's arms shook violently as he was flung away. His face paled slightly.

"Feng'er!" Long yuan was worried. Li yu'er was occupied by the Song and Xuan clan Chief, so she couldn't aid Long feng. Yan Jian was also Battling the other members of the Gong clan.

"I will hang you and your clansmen above the gates of my Gong clan!" Gong Shi smiled.

"Dream on!" Long feng stood up and shot towards Gong shi again.

'Tribulation strike!' The Sovereign sword glowed with terrifying energy as he thrust the sword at Gong Shi's chest.

Again, Gong Shi dodged the sword.

'Heavenly palm descent!' Long feng suddenly thrust his palm at him. Gong Shi also thrust his palm.


     Two palms collided and chaotic energy rippled outwards. Long feng was thrown backwards, his face paling further. A thin line of blood flowed down the side of his lips. He unhesitatingly shot towards Gong shi again.

'Nirvana saint technique! Zenith dragon strike!" Long feng used his strongest skill without thinking twice.

A dragon roar echoed through the Gong clan. A flood dragon phantom flew out of the Sovereign sword and clawed at Gong Shi. Gong Shi's eyes became serious. This strike was deadly even to him...