Chapter 53- Breakthrough!

Chapter 53

"Annihilation fist!" Gong Shi used a martial skill. He punched out at the incoming phantom.


Gong Shi felt his fist shake. The dragon phantom cracked slightly. Then the crack widened and the phantom shattered.

Long feng spat out blood from the impact. His inner energy was almost depleted, and his dantian began to feel different.

"Die!" A cold voice exclaimed from behind Long feng. Long feng instantly leapt forward, barely dodging a suprise attack. Sword lights crashed into where he was. He was filled with disbelieve at the person who attacked him.

Long qianmu!

     It turned out that his injuries were all faked. He was betraying the long clan!

"Qianmu you...." Long yuan couldn't believe his eyes.

       Long feng felt another powerful attack directed at him. He barely dodged the attack and stared at the culprit in shock.

Long Yan!

The two brothers were rebelling against the long clan!

"How dare you two? Do you know the punishment for rebels?" The old clan Chief shouted. Sadly, he was occupied by Gong Yun. He felt disappointed in his two sons for betraying the long clan.

"The long clan would soon be nothing but history. The Gong clan on the other hand, is the future of this city!" Long qianmu announced without an ounce of guilt on his face.

"Qing'er, Long Wei, come over here. Join the Gong clan. Lord Gong Shi will spare you" Long Yan proposed.

Long qing and Long Wei had complicated looks on their faces, but they didn't abandon the long clan. They both didn't have the heart to watch as their relatives were killed brutally, Not even Long feng. Although Long feng had defeated them, they held no animosity towards him. Besides, he had taught them an important lesson, never to look down on anyone.

"Hmph! Cowards!" Long qianmu berated and paid no more attention to the long clansmen. He smiled at Long feng.

"Dear nephew, I hope you understand that I bear no hate nor grievance towards you. The thing is, your mere existence is a threat to us and we must eliminate this threat by any way possible!" He said gently.

Long feng stared at him for a minute, before suddenly spitting on Long qianmu's face. Everyone was stunned. Long qianmu's face reddened with rage.

"I will leave the job to you. Torture him to death!" Gong Shi said.

"Feng'er!" Long yuan shouted.

Even Yan Jian and Li yu'er were alarmed.

"Brother feng!" Yan Jian shouted while Li yu'er stared at him, slight worry in her eyes as she fought the two clan Chiefs.

Long qianmu punched out at Long feng.


Long feng also punched out and their fists collided.


Long Yan suddenly kicked Long feng on his chest. Long feng was pushed backwards, his aura unsteady. His inner energy was completely depleted. There were changes occurring within his dantian, but he had no time to focus.


Long qianmu punched Long feng in the chest, flinging him farther away. Long feng spat another mouthful of blood.

"Ha! This is fun." Long qianmu laughed.

Long feng felt a huge amount of energy condensing within his dantian. His whole body began to feel warm and his inner energy was instantly filled again. This surprised Long feng. As he was trying to focus, Long Yan suddenly punched him on his chest with all his strength.


      A massive outburst of energy followed. But Long feng wasn't flung away as thought. Instead, Long Yan was thrown away with some injuries. Yin level martial power roared and formed a miniature vortex with Long feng as the center. Natural energies poured into his dantian from every angle that Long feng thought he would explode. He was as confused as the crowd on what was happening to him.

Gong Shi narrowed his eyes. He was having a bad premonition about this. Long feng was a terrifying person who couldn't be granted any chance, or else he would turn the situation around.

Everything suddenly became calm again. The energy vortex slowly dispersed but Long feng stood as unmoving as a divine mountain. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be in a trance.

In their confusion, everyone stopped battling and stared at Long feng curiously. Even Gong Shi forgot to attack Long feng!


     Long feng saw countless people of whom he recognized none flash through his mind. An ancient breeze fanned against his face and The aura emitted by the people completely frightened him. Each of the people's aura were only second to the three Dragons within his dantian. The final person he saw was of a man. The man's eyebrows were as sharp as a sword. His aura was simply otherworldly. His aura was superior to Wu Kong's aura! And the impression he gave off was that of an Emperor of the heavens! He was wielding a sword which Long feng recognized. Wu Kong! This was the rusty sword which he had found within the long clan's weapon building. The sword had later transformed into a person; Wu Kong.

As unbelievable as it seemed, this man was stronger than Wu Kong!

A guess appeared in Long feng's mind. Was this Wu Kong's deceased master? The man had a mature air around him which made him seem like a transcendent being, a god of the heavens! The images suddenly dispersed and Long feng regained consciousness.


As soon as he opened his eyes, an overlord aura burst out of his body in waves. Time seemed to stop and the heavens seemed to be reversed. The aura felt like the combination of Immortal and Demonic aura which were in perfect equilibrium. A Yin yang symbol appeared on his forehead, shinning brightly. Long feng felt stronger than he had ever felt all of a sudden. The martial power he could control was no longer connate level martial power but Yin level martial power! The Yin Yang symbol slowly faded and the demon and Immortal aura also faded. Long feng was only emanating a Yin level aura.

     Long feng had broken through to the Yin level! He was now a rank one Yin level cultivator! Long feng was elated. He was already at the very peak of the connate level. His breakthrough was not out of place.

       Everyone stared at him in disbelieve. He had made a breakthrough in the midst of a battle! Yan Jian had also done that, but Yan Jian had broken through in the midst of a spar. Even if he had lost, nothing would have happened, but Long feng's breakthrough was in the midst of a life and death battle! It was sure death for him if he lost the battle, yet he broke through?

No one knew what to make of this.

What was even more terrifying and mysterious was the symbol which appeared on his forehead. It seemed so mysterious yet so open, as if it hid the vault of the heavens within it.

Merely remembering the aura Long feng emanated made everyone shiver in awe. He felt like the incarnation of an immortal god and a demon god in one person.

Gong Shi gritted his teeth.

"You are really a pest. I will tear you open and uncover all the secrets hidden within you" he said. He was still feeling shaken after staring into the symbol on Long feng's forehead. He felt as if his life source was slowly being drained.

       Long qianmu and Long Yan suddenly shot towards Long feng and both punched out.

Harrumphing, Long feng lifted his two hands.


Long feng caught the two fists in his two palms. Long qianmu and Long Yan were mere rank three Yin level cultivators, and the current Long feng was comparable to a rank five Yin level cultivator! They were no match for him.

Long qianmu and Long Yan stared on as their fists were caught as if they were nothing but kids before Long feng's might.

"You've had your fun." Long feng's voice echoed through their minds like the whisper of the demon god. They both shivered in fear...