Chapter 56- Core Disciples!

Chapter 56

         Li yu'er closed her eyes as a crystal clear tear flowed down her cheeks. She alone knew how she felt, bottling up all her grievances to herself alone. She needed someone to share her worries with, someone to console her.

      She began to suppress the demon entity within her dantian. Few minutes later, the veins on her body began to fade, restoring her otherworldly beauty.

         She made up her mind to share her history with Long feng and Yan Jian. She would hide nothing from them. They might help her in her quest, but she wouldn't tell anyone about her depleting life source. That was something only she could bear.

         She finally suppressed the demon entity, her face slightly pale. The entity would probably awaken in a few days time, but in the meantime, Li yu'er calmed her mind. Natural energies gathered around her and she began to absorb the energies in huge amounts. Slowly, her dantian began to fill up..


        Long feng left his seclusion three days later. Standing outside his pavilion, he stretched his hands and yawned tiredly. He had completely consolidated his rank one Yin level cultivation. His foundation could not be more solid than it was currently. And he still had a large amount of energy within his dantian. He just needed to gain a little more enlightenment and he would breakthrough to the rank two Yin level.

      After thinking for a while, Long feng took out a small palm sized token. This was the token given to him by Lord Yi Ming in order to help him to move to and from the Core court without Elder Zhang's help.

      Long feng had learnt that the Core court was located in the depth of the Mortal heaven sect. It could be called the gathering of crouching tigers and hidden dragons. All Core disciples were proud sons of heaven who could at least reach the Yang level. The Core court was also where high ranking elders and even the enigmatic Sect Master resided. The Core court was simply the heart of a sect.

        Hesitating slightly, Long feng walked towards the depth of the Mortal heaven sect. He walked past vast expanses of land and was stunned by the size of the Mortal heaven sect in all. Three hours later, he spotted a huge gate in the distance and he recognized it as the same gate Elder Zhang used to go through to reach the Core court. Stationed before the gate were dozens of guards. Long feng unhesitatingly dashed towards the gate.

      He spotted many figures by the gate. The weakest among these figures were rank five Yin level cultivators and the strongest were rank eight Yin level cultivators! And they were only guards to the core court!

As he arrived before the gate, he was stopped.

"You have transgressed into the territory of the Core court. Identify yourself or be punished!" A rank seven Yin level cultivator bellowed to Long feng.

"Elite disciple, Long feng, Lord Yi Ming's disciple!" Long feng unhurriedly showed them his token.

The guards were visibly stunned.

"Elite disciple? What a joke!" A rank six Yin level cultivator chuckled.

"Lord Yi Ming accepted an Elite disciple? Is he looking down on the Core court or what?" A rank seven Yin level cultivator asked.

       Long feng had expected to be welcomed cooly but he didn't think the guards would be so open! They spoke as if he wasn't present there!

"Is there anything special about him that he caught Lord Yi Ming's eye?" Someone asked.

"Didn't he mention that his name was Long feng? There are some rumors going around the sect about him. His martial talent seems to be good" another person replied.

"Let him go." A rank eight Yin level cultivator said.

The guards paved way for Long feng to pass. As Long feng walked past the guards, he heard someone say "he should just hope that he doesn't run into a Core disciple or he would regret coming here!"

Long feng paid no heed to their words as he stepped into the Core court, this legendary land which most, indeed many people dreamt of entering but never did throughout their lives. Long feng was opportuned to step into this land. He wasn't stupid enough though, to think that he was a match for the Core disciples. Even the weakest among the Core disciples would easily defeat him. Forget the Core disciples, even the guards would trash Long feng.

       He decided to keep a low profile and stay away from any Core disciple. That was, if no one bothered him.

       The next problem Long feng faced was the fact that he didn't know where Lord Yi Ming's palace was located. The Core court was huge, almost twice as large as the entire Elite court! Searching for Lord Yi Ming's palace would take a long time, and that was what Long feng was trying to stay away from doing.

     Long feng chose a random direction and walked off, hoping not to run into any Core disciple. He walked for almost an hour before he sighted a huge pavilion, then another, and soon, he was walking past dozens of huge pavilions.

These pavilions were twice larger than the pavilions given to Elite disciple to reside within. This showed the difference in treatment between the Core disciples and Elite disciples. Luckily, Long feng didn't see any Core disciple and he was grateful for that.

     After a while, Long feng sighted a flowing river in the distance and he unhesitatingly rank towards the river.

Upon arriving at the river bank, Long feng came to a sudden halt. This was a river, but what flowed within it was not water. It was a dense amount of natural energies in the form of this fog like river, flowing gently into the distance. This was a river of natural energies!

        But that was not what made Long feng to stop suddenly. Within the river were dozens of youths, all below thirty. They were all absorbing the energies within the river, and his arrival made them all stop and stared at him curiously.

Long feng gulped. He didn't need to be told who these youths were. The aura they emanated told him.

Core disciples!

     The weakest among them was a rank six Yin level cultivator and the strongest seemed to be a young man. This man's face seemed as sharp as a sword. He sat in the center of the river and had the widest space around him. His cultivation Level was a mystery, and he gave off an air of mental authority and pressure.

Long feng almost cried. He had stupidly ran all the way here only to find this?

He felt like slapping himself.

"Who are you?" The sharp faced youth asked coldly. His voice was devoid of any form of emotion and demanded an immediate response.

Long feng finally found his tongue.

"I am very sorry for interrupting your cultivation. Please accept my apologies. I will be going" he clasped his fist and turned to escape.

"Who are you?"

     As he turned, he was terrified to see the sharp faced youth standing before him, his light blue robes dripping with thick fog. This speed was terrifying! He had simply disappeared from the river and appeared before Long feng.

Long feng's eyes shrank. The last time he had witnessed this sort of maniac speed, it was when Elder Zhang was bringing him to the core court. This sharp youth was as fast as Elder Zhang! Then was it possible that....

Long feng was unable to believe that this thirty years old young man was a Yang level cultivator! He felt his head spinning.

"Senior brother Han! You are terrifying the poor boy." A gorgeous young lady walked out of the river and stood beside the sharp youth.

This lady was a rank nine Yin level cultivator!

Long feng was alarmed.

"Is he dumb? If he angers senior brother Han, he can forget about leaving this place in one piece!" Someone said.

Long feng finally replied.

"Elite court's Long feng. Lord Yi Ming's disciple!" He said slowly. He couldn't afford to act proud before these monsters.

Everyone were stunned.

"An Elite disciple? Interesting!" The lady beside the sharp youth smiled.

"He is an Elite disciple? And Lord Yi Ming's disciple!" The other Core disciples murmured softly.

The sharp youth frowned...