Chapter 57- The prowress of a Yang level cultivator!

Chapter 57

        The sharp youth frowned...

"Leave the Core court immediately and I don't want to ever see you here again!" He ordered coldly.

Long feng frowned slightly.

"I already apologized for interrupting your cultivation session. I don't see why you will order me around. Besides, I came here meet Lord Yi Ming and no one else!" Long feng replied in a respectful tone.

All the Core disciples stared at him weirdly. Even the rank nine Yin level lady.

"He dared to go against Senior brother Han Man" someone mentioned.

Even the sharp youth named Han Man didn't seem to have expected Long feng's reply. His face turned frosty.

"Get lost!" His frosty voice ordered again.

Long feng began to feel pressured and he knew that it was Han Man"s doing.

Long feng didn't doubt that Han Man had seen through his cultivation level, because he was a Yang level cultivator. Long feng couldn't hide his cultivation level from a Yang level cultivator.

He also didn't doubt that Han Man wouldn't hesitate to attack him right now.

Han Man was really annoyed when Long feng refused to do as he ordered. Who in the entire Mortal heaven sect dared to go against his command? He took Long feng's reply as ignorance of who he was, so he overlooked it and ordered Long feng to get lost, but Long feng stood there adamantly.

"Insolent! Kneel!" Han Man bellowed overbearingly.

Long feng's frown deepened.

"Why would I kneel?" He asked. The tone of respect had vanished from his voice. If Han Man wouldn't respect himself, then Long feng wouldn't respect him either. No one could order him around because of a mere Yang level cultivation.

"When I say kneel, you kneel!" Han Man released a slight part of his aura and directed his pressure at Long feng.

Long feng's face paled. This was the pressure of a Yang level cultivator! He didn't stand a chance against Han Man.

Han Man's pressure was to force Long feng to his knees, but Long feng channeled every ounce of energy within him to resist this pressure. He definitely wouldn't kneel even at the cost of his life. His whole body felt sore from resisting Han Man's pressure and his legs began to shiver. If this continued, he would definitely fall on his knees.

Long feng began to gather his momentum, compressing his energy on his legs. He wasn't planning on resisting or attacking Han Man but escaping out of this vicinity. He would run as fast as he could in any direction. He wasn't dumb enough to attack Han Man because it would be no different from him committing suicide, and he also wouldn't remain here because Han Man would not hesitate to attack him. If Han Man should kill him, the Mortal heaven sect would definitely do nothing about it. They would take it as the death of a useless existence. What they needed were people like Han Man, not weak people like Long feng.


Void Roc Agility technique!

        Long feng suddenly shot away, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. He ran for almost thirty minutes before stopping to catch his breath, looking backwards to make sure no one was following him. Sighing, he turned around to go, when he froze, his expression that of disbelief.

Han Man was standing indifferently before him, his robes fluttering in the light wind.

More of the Core disciples arrived in a second. Their speeds were mind blowing.

     Without warning, Han Man indifferently thrust his right hand at Long feng. It was so fast that Long feng couldn't hope to dodge the palm. He merely reacted with his instincts.

He instinctively thrust his left palm too, although he knew it was useless. It was like throwing an egg at a rock. No matter what, the egg would never leave a single scratch on the mountain and would instead be shattered.


      A slightly loud shattering sound filled the air, and Long feng's left palm dangled by his side uselessly. His left arm was completely broken!

"Hmph!" Han Man harrumphed coldly and punched at Long feng's chest. This punch could definitely injure Long feng's dantian and probably cripple his cultivation!

Bearing the pain forcefully, Long feng placed his right arm across his chest.


Long feng was flung far away spurting mouthfuls of blood! His right arm also hanged uselessly by his side!

Unfazed, Han Man shot towards Long feng, his index finger aimed at Long feng's chest. He seemed to want to cripple Long feng's cultivation!

Long feng roared, his aura bursting out of his body in waves.

      He used up all his energy to form four barriers between Han Man and him, but Han Man's finger pierced through the barriers as easily as cutting butter with a knife! This was the prowess of a Yang level cultivator!

Long feng watched in slight panic as the finger was about to reach him, when a bright hallow appeared around him suddenly.

Han Man's finger was actually pushed away by the hallow!

      A white haired old man appeared behind Long feng, smiling warmly.

Lord Yi Ming!

"Ah! Young friend Han Man, could you give this old man some face and let his disciple go?" Long Yi Ming asked gently.

Han Man immediately clasped his fist.

"Lord Yi Ming" he bowed his head slightly.

Lord Yi Ming laughed

"No need for such pleasantries. Please forgive my ignorant disciple!" Lord Yi Ming said.

"I didn't know that he was Lord Yi Ming's disciple. Please, accept my apologies!" Han Man said. Long feng stared at him in shock. Could anyone be more shameless? Long feng had clearly mentioned that he was Lord Yi Ming's disciple!

"Thank you for giving me face" Lord Yi Ming said as he touched Long feng's forehead. They both disappeared instantly.


         Long feng found himself back at Lord Yi Ming's palace. Lord Yi Ming smiled at him.

Long feng struggled to keep himself awake from the pain that was wracking him. His entire body felt sore, not to mention of his two broken hands. He would definitely repay this humiliation to Han Man twofold.

"The Core disciples are like that, full of pride in their strength. I should not have let you come here alone. Elder Zhang would continue bringing you here" Lord Yi Ming spoke as he waved his continuously waved his hands slowly. He was creating a formation!

Long feng could feel the intensity of Lord Yi Ming's soul power. It was far stronger than his own.

"I am creating a healing formation to heal your injures. You may have to stay bed ridden for a day or two and you will be back on your feet." Lord Yi Ming noticed the curiosity in Long feng's eyes and said.

Long feng could also create a healing formation, but his own wouldn't be as strong as Lord Yi Ming's own. And besides, his two arms were broken. How would he create the formation then?

Thinking about Han Man again, Long feng felt no rage. He only had an overpowering desire to surpass Han Man and trample over him.

"Master, what is Han Man's cultivation level?" Long feng asked curiously. Although he knew that Han Man was a Yang level cultivator, he didn't know what rank he was at exactly.

"He seems to be a rank one Yang level cultivator. But he can rival weak rank two Yang level cultivators" Lord Yi Ming replied.

"Is he as strong as Elder Zhang?" Long feng asked again, although the answer was obvious.

'Lord Yi Ming laughed.

"That old Zhang is also a rank one Yang level cultivator, but Han Man has a high chance of defeating him" he replied.

Although Long feng had expected that, he still sucked in a mouthful of cold air. Elder Zhang was almost a hundred years while Han Man was merely around thirty years old!

Cultivators at the connate level had no change in their lifespan. They would age and die like a normal mortal who didn't cultivate. Yin level cultivators could live for around a hundred and twenty years, Yang level cultivators could live for a hundred and fifty or sixty years, while a spirit level cultivator could live for two hundred years! Long feng didn't know how long an Imperial cultivator could live for, but it would definitely be a surprising number.

"Master, I am curious, what is your cultivation level?" Long feng asked.

Lord Yi Ming smiled.

"This old man is incompetent. I have been stuck at the rank five Yang level for a long time already. I am ashamed of myself".

Long feng simply stared at him silently.....