Chapter 62- Raiding the Sacred Cultivation Ground!

Chapter 62

Within the palace, Lord Yi Ming squinted his eyes, deep in thought. He was trying to remember where he had heard the name 'Limitless blood assassin. When he did remember, he shivered slightly. Limitless blood assassin was a name that instilled terror into the hearts of everyone within the Yihua Continent. The only power which the limitless blood assassin didn't dare go against was the supreme Yihua Clan.

His identity and history was a mystery to all. He suddenly appeared sixty years ago with his incomparable talent and attained the spirit level!

He embarked upon the path of slaughter, and he began to annihilate clans and powerhouses. Soon, he became the most terrifying assassin within the continent, mainly because no one had ever seen what he looked like, and once he appeared, there was bound to be bloodshed in his wake. Not even he knew The number of people and clans he had exterminated. When ever he exterminated a clan, he would inscribe his name on the corpses of the people he had killed.

Other than the fact that he was mysterious, the next most terrifying thing about him was that he was a rank five spirit level cultivator!

Within the entire Yihua Continent, a cultivator of his level was unrivaled! Few powers in this Continent could boast to have a cultivator of that level.

Lord Yi Ming began to sweat coldly. He couldn't retain his calm. The person that Li yu'er had sworn to slice apart was the limitless blood assassin! The top assassin of the entire Yihua Continent! He was said to have the potential to become the next exalted Spirit emperor!

Who was the exalted Spirit emperor?

He was a person who was unrivaled against all cultivators below the spirit level! Yet, the limitless blood assassin's talent and potential could compare to that!

Lord Yi Ming's first thought was to advise Li yu'er against her revenge, but he decided to wait. She didn't seem to know who the limitless blood assassin was. He calmly waited within the palace, thinking about his next move.


The night was dark, brightened up by the billions of stars in the sky. The surroundings was completely silent and calm. Under this carpet of silence and darkness, two figures sat quietly outside a Majestic looking palace emanating a suffocating soul power.

These figures were Long feng and Li yu'er. They had been seated silently for hours. This silence was awkward and suffocating, yet none of them broke it.

Finally, Long feng couldn't take the silence anymore. He stood up.

"Miss Li, we should return to the Elite court." He said slowly.

Li yu'er remained silent for a minute, before rising to her feet slowly. Her dark blue eyes avoided Long feng's gaze as much as she could.

As they walked back in silence towards the Elite court, Long feng suddenly paused. His gaze twinkled as he stared Into the distance.

"Miss Li, how far are you from the fourth Yin level?" He asked suddenly.

"A little more energy is all I need. Why do you ask?" Li yu'er's cold attitude had decreased a lot towards Long feng.

Long feng's lips rose up in a grin.

"We are going meditate in a sacred cultivation ground, and for free!" He chuckled softly. "Let's go."

He beckoned to Li yu'er and they changed their direction, walking slowly along a deserted path. And this was within the Core court!

Li yu'er was curious about where they were headed to. Soon, she began to feel the natural energies around her increasing at a surprising pace. She soon understood everything.

A few paces before them was a river flowing gently. The river was calm and peaceful, resonating deeply with the dark silent night. The weird thing about this river though, was that what flowed within it was pure natural energies! This river was obviously created for the Core disciples using a massive amount of treasures and probably Yang crystals!

Li yu'er's eyes flickered as she stared at Long feng in shock. He was going to cultivate in the cultivation ground of the Core disciples! That was the utmost disrespect to the core disciples!

Long feng stood there silently, his soul power spread out. He wanted to be sure that there was no core disciples around. This was the same river he had ran into the Core disciples cultivating within. He definitely wouldn't let such an amazing cultivation ground pass by him. This could be called his first revenge against the Core disciples, especially Han Man. Long feng definitely wouldn't forget about Han Man's humiliation to him.

"Miss Li, we have a few hours to cultivate here. Absorb the energies as fast as you can" he spoke rapidly as he walked into the river. Warm energy flowed against his skin, comforting him. The energy was so dense that he didn't even need to absorb it. The energy flowed into his dantian on its own accord. Li yu'er also began to cultivate within the river. All this while, Long feng's soul power remained spread. His mind was on alert for any company!

He took out a green Jade from his void ring. This jade was the gift he had gotten for getting the first place in the Elite competition. It could absorb and store a huge amount of natural energies within it, though it could only be used twice. Long feng had already used it once, and it was taking a very long time to reabsorb the natural energies. This river was the best place for him to refill the Heaven absorbing jade!

The jade began to automatically absorb the energies from the river. Judging from the speed of its absorbtion, the jade would refill itself within two hours!

What he didn't know was that even the Core disciples only cultivated within this sacred cultivation ground for an hour every day! That was because the energy within the river could finish and the Mortal heaven sect didn't have enough resources to constantly strengthen the river! Now, Long feng and Li yu'er ignorantly cultivated within the river for a good four hours!

They only left the river when the dark night began to recede, replaced by the shimmer of dawn. Before they left the Core court, they both noticed that the river had lost most of its brightness. The energy left within the river was less than one percent of how they had arrived! That could be due to Long feng's maniac speed of absorbtion! He absorbed the natural energies at thrice Li yu'er's speed, yet he didn't make a breakthrough! This greatly baffled Li yu'er.

"Let's leave!" Long feng yawned tiredly. His dantian had been compressed to the limit by him. He felt totally refreshed and filled with energy!

The good news was that Li yu'er broke through to the rank four Yin level, and Long feng's heaven absorbing jade was filled to the brim. Long feng had profited unexpectedly again.

He and Li yu'er silently left the Core court and returned to their pavilions respectively. Unbeknownst to the duo, a massive storm began to brew up throughout the entire Mortal heaven sect after they left the Core court!...