Chapter 63- A brewing Storm!

Chapter 63

        The entire Mortal heaven sect was in chaos the next morning. Different rumors were spreading around the inner and Elite court. Some said that a treasure had been stolen from the Core court among others.

The sect elders all had scrunched up expressions as they did their jobs. The main reason for this weird atmosphere in the sect was because the sacred cultivation ground of the Core had been sundered by a mysterious person! This was a mind blowing piece of news! The sacred cultivation ground of the Mortal heaven sect had been cleanly absorbed, and the culprit was unknown!

When had this ever happened? This was a humiliation, a direct challenge to the entire core court! Would the Mortal heaven sect swallow this insult?

In the meantime, Long feng, Yan Jian and Li yu'er were seated in front of Li yu'er's pavilion. They had heard about the sacred cultivation ground, and Yan Jian had been stunned beyond words when he found out that it was done by Long feng and Li yu'er! His mind crumbled.

"Are you insane! How can you do something like that? If you are caught, the Mortal heaven sect would roast you! You just challenged the authority of the Core court by doing that!" He raged.

Long feng yawned. He couldn't care less about what was going on.

"The Core court challenged my authority by humiliating me. Is it wrong to give them a taste of their own medicine? If I get caught, then I guess my luck is against me." He retorted.

Yan Jian's face reddened.

"Are you really not going to escape?" He asked.

Long feng shook his head straightforwardly.

"No!" He replied.

Yan Jian sat back down in defeat.

"We can only hope you aren't exposed!" He sighed.

Li yu'er didn't say anything.


        Within the depth of the Core court, humongous palace stood, spanning a size of over two miles!

This palace was the gathering place of all the elders of the sect. As long as the elder was a Yang level cultivator, he could come into this palace on invitation.

Currently, the palace was fill of hard faced elders. They were slightly above fifty in total, all emanating an aura above the Yin level!

In the center of these elders was a calm faced man who seemed to be in his late fifties, but the truth was that he was well over a hundred years old! His eyes were calm, filled with knowledge. He didn't seem to be affected by the foul moods of the elders around him.

Looking around, even Lord Yi Ming, Elder Zhang, Elder Bei and many others were within this palace hall.

"Lord Sect Master!, this matter can not be taken lightly. We must find this culprit at all costs!" A female elder broke the silence, speaking to the calm man in the center. The fact that she was here meant that she was a Yang level cultivator! She was the leader of the Elite court!

And more shocking was that the calm faced man was the mysterious Sect Master of the Mortal heaven sect!

The other elders nodded.

"If we swallow this insult, what face would we have left? All the other sects will take us for nothing but a joke!" Another Elder spoke.

The Sect Master frowned slightly.

"What do you advise us to do then?" He spoke slowly.

"We must investigate this matter properly. It couldn't have been done by the Core disciples because they were all with me when it happened." An elderly man added.

"Send for the guards who were by the gates last night. Also send for Han Man, Ning Chen and Qiu Mei!" The Sect Master spoke after a long silence.

Lord Yi Ming frowned. He didn't like where this was going. He already had a guess about who the culprits were, but he wasn't sure.

"I hope it isn't you two or else, I may not be able to save you this time, brat!" He muttered to himself, thinking about Long feng. Within this whole sect, only Long feng was reckless enough to do something so silly!

After a few minutes, all the guards walked into the palace, followed by Han Man and two more youths, a man and a woman; Ning Chen and Qiu Mei respectively. They all bowed to the elders within the palace.

The Sect Master nodded slightly.

"You already know of the sacred cultivation ground. Who and who were granted entry into the Core court last night?" The leader of the Elite court asked, her voice strict. The guards were frightened.

"No one. We didn't allow anyone into the Core court last night!" They spoke in a fluster.

"You mean the sacred river simply disappeared on its own?" An elder asked with a piercing gaze.

Suddenly, one of the guards looked up.

"I...I remember! We let three Elite disciples into the Core court yesterday. One of them claimed to be Lord Yi Ming's disciple, so we let them in." He spoke, terrified.

Many elders glanced at Lord Yi Ming.

"What happened after that?" An elder asked.

"One of the three Elite disciples left immediately after. The remaining two disciples didn't leave until last night!" The guards blurted out.

Lord Yi Ming sighed to himself. That was the end!

"Who were those two?" The Sect Master asked, slight interest in his voice.

"They were a young man and woman. They both looked fifteen years of age and the male said his name was Long feng. The lady was unconscious when they took her in, so we didn't bother!" A guard replied.

Hearing the name 'Long Feng', Han Man, Ning Chen and Qiu Mei all frowned.

Long feng?

       Wasn't it that young boy who had trespassed into the sacred cultivation ground and almost had his cultivation crippled by Han Man?

"Immediately send for the three Elite disciples right now!" An elder said.

The guards unhesitatingly ran out of the palace and headed to the Elite court!....