Chapter 66- Yin and Yang(1)

Chapter 66

If Long feng wanted Wu Kong to really accept him as his disciple, he had to gain an insane amount of power!

To him, Han Man wasn't a threat but a training means. If he really ended up being defeated by Han Man, then he had no right to dream of Wu Kong's power.

"I appreciate your care, but I know what I am doing." Long feng tried to calm Yan Jian down.

Yan Jian sighed heavily.

"What are your plans then? If you remain here within this sect, then your cultivation would never rise at the required speed!" He asked.

Yan Jian was right. Long feng wasn't planning on remaining within the Mortal heaven sect. He would go and explore the entire Jianhai province. Although his deal with Han man made it so that he couldn't leave the Jianhai Province, he could still travel within the province. Jianhai Province itself was large and it had over ten powerful cities and dozens of Yang level powers!

Long feng parted with Yan Jian and Li yu'er and returned to his pavilion. Thinking about everything, he decided that he had acted a little bit too rashly. If by any means, he failed to become as strong as Han man within ten months, then his fate would be sealed. The Mortal heaven sect would definitely execute him. But the deed had been done. He wouldn't sit idly and wait for the ten months to elapse. He would cultivate as rapidly as he could.

Long feng took out the Heaven absorbing jade from his void ring. The heaven absorbing jade was already full to the limit. Long Feng was sure that if he absorbed the energy from the jade into his overfilled dantian, he had some hopes of reaching the peak of the second Yin level, and probably the third Yin level!

But he didn't do it. He would make his breakthrough outside the Mortal heaven sect. Once he left the Mortal heaven sect, he wouldn't return until the ten months period was about to end.

Long feng sighed softly and kept the heaven absorbing jade back into his ring. The floating runes within the ring space still fascinated him. With his current soul power, he couldn't create such an exquisite formation. It was the handiwork of a rank three heaven layered soul cultivator at least!

Besides, his soul power hadn't shown any signs of improvement in these few days. He would also have to focus on strengthening his soul power before the province competition began. He would go and bid Lord Yi Ming farewell before he left.

Long feng still had doubts about Lord Yi Ming. He was a saint layered soul cultivator! His soul power should be comparable to a Yang level cultivator. And his martial cultivation was also at the Yang level! Within the entire Mortal heaven sect, he was only second to the Sect Master in terms of strength! Soul cultivators of his level were unbelievably rare! And the Mortal heaven was a fallen power within Gan yu city. Why did he went to the Mortal heaven sect in particular? Why not stronger sects?

Was he after the secrets of the Fang mountain? But Fang mountain was merely a tomb of the exalted Spirit emperor. And since Long feng was able to figure that out, then Lord Yi Ming could have definitely figured it out too. What was his motives for joining the Mortal heaven sect?

Long feng put that thought aside for the meantime. He had more important things to do with his time.

Without wasting time, Long feng left his pavilion and flitted across the Elite court towards the Core court. The entire matter about the sacred cultivation ground seemed to have died down. Apart from the Core disciples and high elders, no one else knew of Long feng's planned fight against Han Man in ten months. Even if they did know, they would only stare at Long feng with pity and take him for a complete fool!

Still, as Long feng appeared, many Elite disciples stared at him curiously. They all knew that the issue of the sacred cultivation ground was inexplicably linked to this weird new disciple. And what was more intriguing was that he had been invited to the Core court and left totally unharmed!

Long feng paid little attention to his surroundings as he arrived at the entrance to the core court. The guards definitely recognized him, as he and his friends had just left a while ago. They didn't bother asking about his identity. They simply let him pass. He had already created a name for himself within the Core court by challenging Han man. Although it was a stupid move, he was still bold. The guards looked at him with new eyes.

Long feng nodded thanks as he walked past the guards and walked into the Core court towards Lord Yi Ming's palace. It took him moments to arrive at the palace and found Lord Yi Ming by the palace door, pacing up and down. He seemed to have expected Long feng's arrival.

He grabbed Long feng's arm and dragged him into the palace.

"What was that all about? Have you gone nuts?" He asked. He seemed worried and angry at the same time.

But Long feng could understand where his anger was coming from. He had acted quite rashly after all!

"Master, I can explain!" Long feng struggled to free his arm from Lord Yi Ming's grasp but he efforts were useless.

"Explain what? That you have sold out your life in ten months? What were you thinking?" Lord Yi Ming asked.

Long feng remained silent. He didn't know how to reply to that!

Lord Yi Ming continued.

"We are going to the Sect Master right now! You will apologize for your words and actions. The Sect Master would understand!" He spoke.

Long feng widened his eyes. He would never do that. It would look like he was a coward who could only boast!

"Why would we do that? Master, I know what I am doing. Why can't anyone believe me?" Long feng cried out. But he wasn't sure if he believed in himself!

Lord Yi Ming released his arm.

"You brat! Why can't you understand? Your challenge is not hard to achieve, it is impossible! The Yang level isn't an ordinary cultivation level which you can reach within a few months!" He retorted. The scene of an old man and a young fifteen years old boy arguing seemed funny.

"What is different about it?" Long feng asked. His interest was piqued.

Lord Yi Ming didn't mind explaining to him.

"The Yin and Yang level exist for a reason. Anyone who embarks on the path of martial cultivation cannot be called a cultivator until he attains at least the Yin level. The Yin and Yang levels represent the foundation of a cultivator's future potential!" Lord Yi Ming spoke rapidly.

Naturally, Yin and Yang was a sort of concept which decripted supreme power over all and Long feng understood that, so he listened to Lord Yi Ming attentively.