Chapter 67- Yin and Yang (2)

Chapter 67

"Once a person reaches the Yang level, they have to choose a certain path to walk upon. That means, you can never become a spirit level cultivator until you comprehend a concept." Lord Yi Ming continued.

"What concept?" Long feng asked.

"Yin and Yang signifies many things. Demon and Immortal, flame and ice, heaven and earth, life and death, and many more. It means the complete suppression of these distinct energies." Lord Yi Ming paused and looked thoughtful. "Once you have reached the peak Yin level, you must comprehend any of these concepts. You can choose to become a flame cultivator, Demonic cultivator, anything. But one thing is sure. If you don't comprehend any concept before reaching the peak Yang level, then you have no hope of reaching the spirit level in your life. You must be able to control either flames, demon energy, ice energy, or any other energy. That is why most people are unable to reach the spirit level."

Long feng was surprised by this information.

"But how do you comprehend these concepts?" He asked

Lord Yi Ming didn't answer his question but instead asked Long feng another question.

"What do you absorb if you want to make a breakthrough?" He asked.

Long feng looked dumb. Whoever couldn't answer that question was simply an idiot and quarter!

"It's natural energies of course!" He replied.

Lord Yi Ming nodded.

"Then, what is the Natural energies?" He asked again.

Long feng was put in a spot.

Seeing Long feng staring blankly, Lord Yi Ming smiled.

"Natural energies is merely a general name. It is a combination of the purest energies and laws of the heavens. What you ignorant cultivators call natural energies, is actually composed of demon energy, flame energy, Immortal energy, ice energy and countless other variations of energies and laws." He said.

Long feng was confused. He slowly sat down so that he could focus. This information would definitely aid his future cultivation.

"But why can't we tell? I mean, how would you differentiate between the energies?" He asked eagerly.

Lord Yi Ming also sat down comfortably.

"That is what I am trying to say. Only by reaching the peak Yin level would you be able to different the different energies. That is when you should choose a path to cultivate upon. But If you progress hastily, you may never be able to reach the spirit level in your lifetime. But if your perception is excellent, then you can even tell the difference while at the rank seven or eight Yin level." He said.

Long feng frowned.

"Master, what energy do you cultivate on?" He asked.

"My path Is of the soul. Martial cultivation is just an after time job to me. I didn't comprehend any concept in particular." Lord Yi Ming said, to Long feng's dismay.

"Can someone comprehend two different energies?" He asked again.

"I am afraid that has never happened before. You can only focus on one path." Lord Yi Ming replied.

Long feng still had more questions.

"What path is Han Man cultivating?" He asked.

Lord Yi Ming sighed. Long Feng asked too many questions.

"Han Man has embarked upon the path of ice. He uses ice energy as a weapon. And he began to comprehend the ice laws when he was a rank eight Yin level cultivator." he replied.

Long feng was quite surprised. Han Man was also a rare talent within this province!

No wonder Han Man was so cold. He was an Ice cultivator! Ice, if utilized properly, was a very sharp energy. It could be used as a weapon to slice apart anything!

Long feng's mind drifted to his three mysterious dragons and he thought about a weird occurrence.

The three dragons symbolized Yin and Yang!

A Demon Dragon to represent the demon energy!

An Azure Dragon to represent the Immortal energy!

A Hornless Dragon represented the energy which kept the two contradicting energies peacefully together!

Was there a reason for that? Or was it a mere coincidence? It couldn't be.

Lord Yi Ming noticed that Long feng seemed lost.

"You will understand once you reach the peak Yin level. But you can't force yourself. It is not too late to call off this battle between you and Han Man!"

Long feng returned to his senses.

"Master, I understand. But I still can't go back on my word. I actually came to say goodbye. I may not return until the ten months deadline is up. If, during the battle, I lose, then consider it as the path I chose for myself." He stood up and clasped his fist.

Lord Yi Ming wanted to argue but seeing Long feng's determined expression, he sighed deeply.

"You are stubborn, brat." He muttered. "If you must go, then go. You have my support!" He added.

Long feng's face brightened.

"Thank you, Master! I won't fail you!" He replied and left the Core court.

Lord Yi Ming stared at his fading back as he ran out of the palace.


         Long feng ran all the way back to his pavilion. He stuffed some clothes and food into his void ring as he walked out of the room. It was not uncommon for some disciples to leave the sect for a few years. When they return, their pavilions would remain untouched. Besides, Long feng had to return within a short ten months. To many people, ten month's cultivation wasn't even worth mentioning. If they heard that Li Long feng was planning on crossing several levels within these insignificant ten months, they would puke from annoyance!

Long feng went to look for Yan Jian and Li yu'er. He found both of them at the training ground.

"You are leaving immediately? And you didn't tell us?" Yan Jian asked.

"I didn't want to bother you." Long feng replied. He knew that Yan Jian would definitely want to go with him.

"How Can you say that? We are coming with you, right miss Li?" Yan Jian asked Li yu'er.

Li yu'er frowned but didn't reply.

"I don't want to drag you into my problems. I can manage on my own!" Long feng interrupted but Yan Jian laughed him off.

"I am coming along!" He said with a tone of finality in his voice.

Long feng frowned. He really didn't want to drag both Yan Jian and Li yu'er along with him. He already felt guilty that Yan Jian was willing to get punished with them for something he knew nothing about.

He instantly thought of something. He took out the Heaven absorbing jade from his void ring and handed it over to Yan Jian.

"It will enhance your cultivation. Just remain in the sect with miss Li. I will definitely return safely!" Long feng said.