Chapter 94- Martial and Soul Doors?

Chapter 94

        Long feng was trying to control twenty one formations at the same time! What was he thinking?

No one had ever managed to control ten formations at the same time, yet he was trying to control not ten but twenty one!

Not even peak saint layered soul cultivators had ever controlled more than ten formations simultaneously!

And if you forcefully tried to do it, your soul core would shatter and your body will blow up from the burden!

"Even if you want to commit suicide, then don't do it now! Get me out of here first!" Hua Liuli shouted. Long feng was the only one who might be able to get her out of this world. If he killed himself, she would have to wait for a while before her Clansmen would come looking for her!

Long feng paid no attention to her blabbering. The entire illusory world shook as if it was breaking apart. The beautiful scenery faded away, replaced by a mighty formation filled with unbelievable soul power. This formation was the illusory world's formation. It had surfaced because Long feng had dared to challenge it's might!

Seeing the illusory world's formation reveal itself, Long feng took a deep breath and roared.


        The twenty one unravelling formations combined into one huge formation, spanning over half the size of the Illusory world's formation.

Long feng's face paled and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

       But he didn't stop, instead, he poured more soul power into the unravelling formation.


     The unravelling formation collided against the illusory world's formation. Some of the runes on the unravelling formation instantly dimmed and disappeared.

       But the illusory world's formation also lost dozens of its runes.

The two huge formations collided dozens of times and lost hundreds of runes. Long feng, who was controlling the unravelling formation was in a pathetic shape. His skin was as dry as a desert and was cracked in countless places. His recently healed wounds all burst open again.

Once the two formations collided, he was the one who suffered, and if he paused even for a second to rest, his formation would instantly fade and the illusory world's formation would crush him!

        In this situation, giving up was not an option! He had to push forward at any cost.

"Break!" He roared. His unravelling formation pressed forward, but it was clear that Long feng was disadvantaged.

       His soul power would run dry before the illusory world's formation ran out of energy! If that happened, he could only sit back and wait for death.

           As Long feng's soul world was about to dry up again, he felt a warm soul power flow into his soul world steadily. He didn't need to turn around to know that Hua Liuli was helping him. After all, this also involved her!

"You fool! How can you think of controlling so many formations on your own? Hmph!" Hua Liuli harrumphed behind him as she steadily poured her soul power into Long feng's soul world.


      The two huge formations collided again and again. A crack appeared on both formations, signifying that they were about to shatter!.

Long feng and Hua Liuli didn't hold back as they unreservedly poured all their soul power into the unravelling formation. This final collision would decide the fate of both Long feng and Hua Liuli!


      The two huge formations collided and shattered at the same time! A massive gush of soul power rippled outwards, flinging Long feng and Hua Liuli away.

The entire space began to shake and the beautiful scenery of the Illusory world resurfaced. Everything calmed down as if nothing had ever happened!

Long feng was in a bad state, but he was still conscious of his surroundings.

As the calm scenery of the illusory world reappeared, he thought he had failed to shatter the illusory world's formation.

"You idiot! Next time you feel like committing suicide, You'd better go somewhere else and do it, or else I will kill you before you kill yourself!" Hua Liuli complained. Apart from some superficial injuries, she was otherwise fine.

Long feng couldn't help but chuckle.

"We still failed to break the formation!" He groaned.

Hua Liuli's eyes bulged out.

"Break the formation? You were actually trying to shatter the illusory world's formation? Now I am sure you are out of your mind!" She was shocked.

Long feng was confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Hua Liuli giggled.

"Even if you were a third heaven layered soul cultivator or even a first saint layered soul cultivator, you still have no chance of breaking the formation of a peak saint layered soul cultivator! What we did was merely unravelling the illusory world's formation and not breaking it!" She was amused by Long feng's words.

"So, that means we succeeded?" He asked.

"Of course we did! After all, I helped you!" Hua Liuli replied.

Long feng chuckled and began to create a healing formation for himself.

"I can't believe it! We just broke a record by controlling twenty one formations simultaneously!" Hua Liuli blabbered on.

"Since when did it became we? I was the one who pulled it off!" Long feng interrupted.

"Hmph! If I hadn't helped, you would have been dead by now!" Hua Liuli harrumphed, rolling her eyeballs.

"And you would remain trapped here for your whole life!" Long feng added.

Hua Liuli ignored him and began to look around.

"Look! The reward for unravelling the formation!" She suddenly said, prompting Long feng to look in the direction she pointed at.

    There were two doors standing in the middle of the illusory world. The scene reminded Long Feng of the Origin Spirit Land. The entrance to the land was a door.

On the first door, the word 'Martial' was boldly written across it, while the word 'Soul' was boldly written on the second door.

"I think one person can only choose one door!" Hua Liuli spoke up.

"It seems like the owner of this illusory world knew that we were two!" Long feng observed.

        Normally, Long feng would have preferred to enter the Soul door, because what lay within was bound to be useful to the soul power.

But based on his current situation, he had no other choice that to choose the Martial door.

"I choose the Martial door!"

"I choose the Soul door!" Both Long feng and Hua Liuli spoke at the same time, making them chuckle.

        Long feng completed his healing formation and began to heal his injuries. This time, it only took him one day to completely heal his injuries. Long feng noticed that his soul power usually become stronger after he overdrew it. But his healing speed was also partly due to his powerful Mortal body. His body was thrice more resilient than the body of a cultivator at the same level as him. And his skin naturally healed itself if the injuries were not lethal.

"Hurry up and let's go!" Hua Liuli was impatient and was already standing by the door with the word 'Soul' on it.