Chapter 95- Wild Beasts!

Chapter 95

"We are entering different doors. You don't have to wait for me!" Long feng replied.

"Hmph! Why didn't you say that sooner? Making me wait for you for a whole day to heal your injures?" She harrumphed and without waiting for Long feng's reply, she entered the soul door. The door instantly faded away, meaning no one could enter anymore.

       Long feng sighed as he walked towards the Martial door. He didn't want to miss out on a chance for him to improve his cultivation!

        As soon as Long feng stepped through the door, he found himself in a forest. The first thing he noticed was that his soul power was sealed away!

Long feng couldn't utilize his soul power within this place!

Long feng was amazed.

Was this the power of a peak saint layered soul cultivator? Then how powerful was the legendary Spirit layer? Long feng couldn't help but imagine himself wielding such mighty power!


       A deep roar reminiscent of a wild beasts brought Long feng back to his senses. He heard heavy sounds, as though a herd of beasts were rushing towards him. Trees in the distance collapsed and Long feng couldn't help but take out the Sovereign sword and gripped it tightly.


      Tens of wild beasts suddenly appeared in his line of sight and charged at him. They looked like lions, but they had hoofs and not paws. They also had thick scales on their bodies. Long feng had never seen these race of beasts before nor had he ever heard of them.

Besides, why were beasts suddenly attacking him?

Long feng wasn't threatened, though because the beasts were only comparable to rank one Yin level cultivators!


      He swung his sword at the incoming wild beasts. A black gleam shot out of the sword and cut into the herd of beasts.



       Over half of them were killed by that sword gleam! The beasts which were killed instantly turned into a mass of pure natural energy and flowed into Long feng's dantian. Although this amount of natural energy was not worth anything to Long feng, it still surprised him.

      He swung his sword at the remaining beasts and they were all sliced apart by his sword. All the beasts turned into mass of natural energy and flowed into Long feng's dantian.

        The forest was silent for a whole day. Not even the sound of birds could be heard. Long feng tried to move countless times but he found out that he was unable to move further than one mile around him!

He felt annoyed and frustrated. Why had they restricted his range of movement?

        He calmly waited for the whole day. Early the next day, another roar resounded. This roar was more powerful than the previous wild beasts. Another herd of wild beasts appeared and charged at Long feng.

It was worth mentioning that these beasts were no longer rank one Yin level beasts but rank two! And they were fewer in numbers than the former wave of beasts!

       Although these beasts were also unable to pose any sort of threat to Long feng, he was still alert for any sudden change. Without using any martial skill, he easily annihilated this wave of rank two Yin level wild beasts. Their dead bodies turned into a mass of natural energies once again and gathered within his dantian.

After that, the forest remained silent for two days! Long feng was really frustrated. He had just wasted three days doing nothing! He could have used these three days to pay a visit to the sword mountain! After all, he was in this situation because of them!

       After two days, another wave of wild beasts appeared. These wild beasts were no longer rank two Yin level beasts but rank three!

Long feng began to feel slight trepidation within his mind. If these beasts kept coming like these, wouldn't peak Yin level beasts appear soon, and then even Yang level beasts? Would they be able to harm him for real? After all, Long feng could tell that these beasts were not real. They were made out of a formation, otherwise, which kind of beast race would transform into natural energies after their deaths?

       Long feng easily killed off this wave of wild beasts also. Their corpses turned into a large mass of natural energies and poured into Long feng's dantian. Long feng felt the energy within his dantian was beginning to rise.

Although he was happy, he still remained cautious.

Long feng assumed that after killing this third wave of wild beasts, he would have to wait for three days.

And it happened just as he assumed!

          He calmly waited for three days before the fourth wave of wild beasts appeared. And each of them had the strength of a peak fourth Yin level cultivator!

       Even at that, none of them were able to come even three miles close to Long feng! Killing them was almost too easy for Long feng.

The energies within his dantian rose further after killing the fourth wave of the wild beasts but it was far from being enough for him make a breakthrough. Besides, he wanted to wait for a week or two so he could strengthen his foundation at the fifth Yin level.

Long feng had to wait for four days before the fifth wave of wild beasts appeared. He felt really annoyed. He could never tolerate being locked up in one place! He wouldn't want to have his range of movement to be limited by anyone.

       The fifth wave of wild beasts were all rank five Yin level wild beasts! But they were all killed by Long feng, whose combat power was comparable to a peak Yin level cultivator! He didn't have to use any martial skill.

The natural energies Long feng gained after slaughtering the fifth wave of wild beasts was quite dense! His dantian was almost half filled!

But Long feng's worries only increased. If a even one Yang level wild beast was to appear, his chances of defeating it was close to nothing!

The difference between the Yin and Yang levels was like a huge moat. It was uncrossable to most people. Out of a hundred people, probably only three people would be able to attain the level of Yang from the Yin level!

A Yang level cultivator could easily slaughter hundreds of peak Yin level cultivators! That was because all Yang level comprehended a Dao before attaining their levels, and not all Yin level cultivators were fortunate enough to comprehend any Dao!

        Long feng particularly, was far stronger than ordinary Yin level cultivators because he had comprehended a Dao. Once he attained the Yang level, he would be stronger than cultivators of his level and would have an advantage over them because his Dao concept would be far deeper than theirs. That was because he had comprehended the demon Dao at the fourth Yin level!…