Chapter 115- Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 115

A Five hundred mile radius within the center of star mountain city was completely desolate, not even grasses could be spotted. The air was gloomy and filled with the smell of blood.

All this destruction was the result of a single battle between two parties!

At this moment, countless streaks of light were rushing towards the direction of the devastation. Some of them were from the surrounding cities, but it couldn't be helped.

A few minutes ago, almost half of the province had witnessed two distinct energies colliding in the sky, after which a heaven shaking explosion erupted.

Even the province overlord; the Jianhai clan had been alerted by that battle and had sent some people to head over to star mountain city and investigate what happened.


Somewhere in the deepest part of Jianhai clan's territory. On a seemingly ordinary snowy mountain peak which was surprisingly not cold but instead warm, a small but was erected. The hut couldn't be more ordinary, yet it felt as if it had stood the test of time! The natural energies in this mountain peak was denser than outside by a large margin.

This further amplified how profound the heritage of the Jianhai clan was.

Seated in front of the hut were two people facing each other; an old man and a young man.

The young man had a heavy build. His gaze was sharper than a sabre and his third Yang level aura was like a slumbering beasts, ready to pounce at any time. He was a perfect example of a fierce cultivator.

The old man on the other hand was the complete opposite of the young man. His temperament was calm. No energy leaked out of his body and he looked like a mortal scholar. But the youth was actually submissive to the old man! And a trace of fear and respect flashed past the young man's eyes occasionally.

The old man seemed to be imparting some of his knowledge and experiences on the Martial path to the young man who listened attentively.

It was at this moment that a powerful wave of energy spread from a far distance, causing the young man's blood to tumble.

Suprise flashed through the old man's eyes as he looked in a certain direction. His gaze seemed to disregard the distance and peer at what was occurring.

"Interesting!" He muttered.

"Honoured master, what was that?" The young man inquired as he suppressed his tumbling blood.

The old man didn't reply instantly as he continued to stare in the same direction. Only after ten breaths worth of time did he retract his gaze.

"Go over to star mountain city and find out what caused such a ruckus!" The old man finally spoke.

"Yes honoured master. This disciple will do that immediately. But what was that?" The young man asked curiously.

A thoughtful expression appeared on the old man's face.

"Some people were probably having a fight and one of them decided to self explode. If I am not mistaken, it should be a rank one or two Yang cultivator who exploded." He paused and muttered to himself "I doubt if anyone survived this explosion. Only a fifth Yang cultivator and above can survive the explosion unharmed. But nevertheless, go and investigate." He explained.

The young man couldn't help but suck a mouthful of cold air as his eyes bulged in shock.

It was not easy for someone to cultivate to the Yang level, and he had experienced that truth first class. He was renowned as an unrivaled talent throughout the province and he comprehended his Dao at the eight Yin level which was a rarely seen event. He reached the peak Yin level at the age of nineteen, but he only became a Yang cultivator at the age of twenty eight! He spent a good nine years stuck in the peak Yin level! It could be seen how hard it was to surmount the gap between the Yin and Yang realms! so who would simply decide to self explode and kill himself?

Unless one had no other chance of survival and wanted to drag his opponent down with him, no one with a complete sense would self explode rashly!

"This disciple would go now!" The young man cupped his fists and stood up then walked down the mountain peak.


Similar situation occurred in all of the Yang level powers and other first class sects or clans. Many Yang cultivators were dispatched to star mountain city in the blink of an eye.


In the center of star mountain city where the battle between Long feng and Nie Yong took place, there was nothing in sight other than a magnificent and humongous palace. This palace was unscathed by the raging sword energies with not even a scratch on it. It resembled an ancient mountain which had withered through the winds and rains!

Within the palace, all the Long Clansmen were gathered. None of them had suffered any serious injury.

All their attention was on an altar in the center of the palace hall. A figure drenched in blood was seated on the altar. His clothes were torn and his skin was riddled with sword cuts! He opened his mouth and spat out blood every now and then. All the Long Clansmen were staring at this figure worriedly.

"Grandfather, can brother feng make it?" Long Wei asked the old clan Chief.

The figure on the altar was actually Long feng! Looking at him, one couldn't help but think he couldn't survive. That was because his injuries were far too grave.

After the explosion, Long feng managed to protect the Long Clansmen with the Origin Spirit Palace, after which he used the Origin Spirit Sword to reduce the impact of the energy against him. Even at that, he only managed to avoid certain death and fell into a coma.

The Long Clansmen didn't hesitate to feed him countless healing pills but it was all for naught. He showed no sign of getting better and his condition was worsening. Some of the Long clan elders had given up on him already. Few people could survive after being injured so badly and even if they survived, their cultivation would mostly be crippled...