Chapter 116- World creation?

Chapter 116

        The fact that Long feng could survive the brunt of the explosion was a miracle in itself.

The old clan Chief sighed with a troubled look on his face.

"Who knows?" He muttered a reply under his breath, staring at Long feng with a complicated look. He turned to one of the clan elders.

"How is Long yuan doing?" He asked. He didn't have much hope of Long feng's survival, but he would do anything to keep Long yuan alive. If Long yuan also lost his life after all this, then the old clan Chief would never forgive himself. That guilt could even lead to the birth of heart demons in his heart when cultivating.

"Young master Feng had already laid a healing formation on the clan Chief. He is currently out of danger and will regain consciousness within a month according to our calculations" that elder replied.

"Very good." The old clan Chief finally felt some weight being lifted off his shoulders.

"Grandfather, brother feng's battle caused such a disturbance. Is it safe to remain here?" Long qing spoke up.

Everyone's face cramped upon hearing that. Long feng's battle against Nie Yong had been too eye catching. The elders weren't foolish enough to think that no one would come to investigate. Probably all the forces in star mountain city had been alerted.

         What they didn't expect was that the whole province had been disturbed and all the Yang level powers, including the overlord Jianhai clan had dispatched people to the city!

"You're right. It isn't safe to remain here. But are we just going to leave feng'er and his palace behind? We can't possibly move this palace. And we are too many. Once we begin to evacuate, we will appear too conspicuous." The old clan Chief replied.

His words weren't without basis. The Long clan had over fifteen elders and almost a thousand clan members. Any movement from them would alert the nearby forces.

All the elders were troubled as they realized how tricky their current situation was. On the other hand, the more time they spent here, the more dangerous their situation becomes. Who would believe that such a weak clan could survive that huge explosion that could threaten even third Yang cultivators? Wouldn't that be the greatest joke in the world?

At that moment, Long feng coughed up another mouthful of blood. His shriveled figure shook greatly before he finally calmed down.

"Let's just wait here. We can explain ourselves to anyone who comes." Seeing Long feng's condition, the old clan Chief couldn't bring himself to abandon him here. At worst, they would all die together, as a family.

         In a world of utter darkness, where not even the slightest light could be seen. Long feng floated around aimlessly. His entire body felt weightless, as though he didn't even exist. The darkness converged on him, threatening to submerge him in the void forever.

This world felt like the time before any living being was born. There was no life, no land, no rivers and lakes, no sky, no air, no sun and Moon, everything was chaotic.

"Being dead isn't that bad actually!" Long feng chuckled softly. His mind was clear and tranquil. He forgot about the outside world, forgot about the passage of time, he even forgot himself.

         It felt like a thousand years had passed in the blink of an eye, yet it felt like a single second. This feeling was very mysterious yet hazy.

After an unknown amount of time, Long feng spotted a light in the distance. In this chaotic word of darkness where even time and space was warped, that light was particularly conspicuous.

Waves of energy spread from the light and the chaotic energy flooding this world suddenly calmed down. The world was so silent that it was suffocating. Long feng's eyes were glued to the light without blinking, wondering what it was.

A very mysterious sound spread. It felt like the greatest truths about the grand Dao of the heavens. Long feng couldn't understand anything because he was too weak and he was unable to decipher anything. His comprehension of the Dao was shallow at best. Forget him, even an Imperial master would struggle to understand a single word here!

Suddenly, all the chaotic energy began to converge in that light. The light grew to the size of a human fist and contained within it was an unbelievable amount of energy. Just a wisp of that chaotic energy, a thousandth of it, was enough to destroy the entire Yihua Continent!

Long feng's face paled as he sensed that energy.

[Where the hell is this place?] He shouted in his mind.

The fist sized ball of light began to pulsate like a living being's heart. A mysterious aura spread out of the ball which instantly smoothed out Long feng's mind. He regained his calm and felt an urge to go into seclusion here and never leave again.

After what seemed like a hundred thousand years, and a few minutes at the same time, the ball of light suddenly blew up. A massive wave of energy spread out with enough power to tear worlds apart. Long feng thought he was going to die again, but surprisingly, the wave of energy simply passed through his figure without hurting him. He watched in shock as the energy filled every corner of this world. The energy wasn't as chaotic as before, but it was weirdly familiar to Long feng, as if he had felt this energy before, but he couldn't recall where.

The energy felt like two different energies were mutually restraining and revitalizing each other, increasing the power of this energy by hundreds, if not thousands of times!

          Nothing worth mentioning happened again until after seemingly thousands of years. The energy which flooded the world began to conflict in this pitch darkness. The two energies stopped restraining each other and instead began to conflict, trying to claim the entire world. This continued for a very long time.

Suddenly, space warped and a barrier appeared between the two conflicting energies. The world was instantly divided into three parts. It was at this moment that Long feng recalled where he felt this aura from.

The three Dragons within his dantian!

At this moment, the world was separated by a mysterious barrier. One part of the world was flooded with unbearably hot energy which could burn the entire world and purify all evils. The energy was similar to the Immortal aura which surrounded Wu Kong, only that it was scalding hot.

This energy represented the massive Azure Dragon within Long feng's dantian!

The second energy was chilling. It felt like it could freeze all existence to the bones and corrupt all minds with evil, awakening the most hidden desires of any living being. It felt like an endless ocean of ice cold demon energy.

The Demon Dragon within Long feng's dantian!

The barrier which separated the two conflicting energies was neutral. It felt like it didn't even exist, yet it was overwhelming and could suppress the heavens!

The Hornless Dragon!…