Chapter 121- Shi Huo

Chapter 121

The youth surnamed Shi finally spoke.

"Sorry for not introducing myself. Brother feng is hardly in the sect so it is natural that you don't know me. I am Shi Huo, the first Elite disciple of the sect!" Shi Huo declared, puffing out his chest proudly.

He had an expression that said 'hurry up and bow down to me!'.

Long feng had an irresistible urge to laugh but he suppressed the laugh, though, his shoulders kept shaking.

"So it is brother Shi! This Feng has long heard about you." He replied with fake suprise.

Shi Huo had a complacent expression.

"Hm. This Shi also heard about you. Brother feng is quite famous in the sect. We all admire brother feng for his courage!" He replied.

"You are too polite. What brings brother Shi to this feng's home?" Long feng asked.

"I heard that brother feng had returned so I rushed over for a reason. I hope brother feng won't mind" Shi Huo said.

Long feng was curious.

"Please speak" he urged.

"I want to have a friendly duel with brother feng. I hope you don't mind!" Shi Huo's request surprised Long feng. He looked over Shi Huo and found that he was a seventh Yin level cultivator, the same as him.

"Of course, if brother feng is afraid, I won't force you. You can refuse." Shi Huo added.

Long feng smiled.

"Why would I refuse? It is my pleasure to exchange pointers with brother Shi!"

Some of the people behind Shi Huo sneered, thinking that Long feng was digging his own grave by accepting Shi Huo's challenge.

One must not be blinded by Shi Huo's gentlemanly act. He was a heartless and decisive person who aimed for the impossible. He was enraged that Long feng was stealing the limelight from him after challenging Han Man, so he wanted to beat Long feng and show the sect that Long feng was nothing but an embroidered pillow who would fall at the first punch.

[Well, he can only blame himself now. Elder brother Shi would definitely use an iron fist on him. He should be lucky if he isn't killed].

Shi Huo smiled widely after Long feng accepted the challenge. He was afraid that Long feng would be too cowardly to accept but now it seemed that his worries were useless.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go straight to the duel stage!" He proposed.

Long feng raised his brow. This Shi Huo was quite impatient to get beaten.

"Hm. Let's go"

Within his mind, Shi Huo sneered.

[We'll see if you can still act so calm when I trample over you!], He thought with glee.

Shi Huo led the way to the duel stage, where quite a number of disciples were sparring against each other. Upon seeing Shi Huo though, they all stopped and looked over curiously.

Soon, the news that Shi Huo was sparring against Long feng spread, shaking the whole Elite court. Almost all the Elite disciples rushed over immediately and the viewing platform was soon crowded with people.

On the stage, Long feng stood a few meters away from Shi Huo. After a while, Shi Huo grinned.

"Please take care of this Shi, brother feng!" He cupped his fists.

Long feng merely waved his hand.

"Let's hurry brother Shi. This feng is busy"

Shi Huo's expression darkened.

Without wasting more time, his figure shot towards Long feng. His fist contained an explosive strength as he punched out.

His figure which seemed unbelievably fast to the viewers was unbelievably slow to Long feng.

Long feng was too lazy to counter Shi Huo's fist, so he simply moved aside and Shi Huo's fist punched at empty air.

Shi Huo was bewildered. He hadn't seen how Long feng had dodged which made him feel apprehensive about Long feng's strength. But he also felt like he had released a powerful fist only to punch a cotton, annoying him to no end.

"Brother feng's speed is impressive. This Shi is in awe. But let's fight head on, like men, instead of running around." He spoke.

Long feng simply nodded.

"Stone blood art!" Shi Huo shouted. His clothes ripped apart as his figure grew taller by a head. His veins were stretched taunt and his muscles rippled with explosive strength. It was obviously a body tempering skill, which gave him great increase in his body strength.

It seemed that Shi Huo wasn't the first Elite disciple just in name. His strength was impressive. If he was facing an ordinary seventh Yin level cultivator, then he could have won. Sadly, his opponent was Long feng who was as strong as Yang level cultivators. Shi Huo was no better than an ant facing an elephant.


       Shi Huo's figure shot towards Long feng, his body overshadowing the latter. A fist magnified before Long feng's face and punched at him.

People held their breaths, expecting Long feng to be thrown out of the ring.

Suddenly, Long feng lifted his hand and pointed a finger at the incoming fist.


        Energy ripples spread out and when the dust settled, everyone shook visibly. Long feng's finger which looked insignificant before Shi Huo's fist actually stopped Shi Huo's fist!

The result was unbelievable!

Long feng slowly retracted his finger and waved his hand. Shi Huo suddenly felt a massive pressure crash into him, like a mountain. His figure shook and flew out of the ring, throwing up mouthfuls of blood.

The silence that followed was as awkward as it was embarrassing. Long feng didn't release his aura even once during the battle and he only defeated Shi Huo with a wave of his sleeves!

The difference between them was as wide as heaven and earth! Shi Huo couldn't muster the slightest strength to resist Long feng. From now on, the whole Elite court would probably change it's surname to Long, because Long feng was the new first Elite disciple! No one had thought of this ever happening; except Yan Jian who couldn't contain his excitement.

"Good battle, Brother Shi. This feng will go easy on you next time." Long feng cupped his fists.

Shi Huo's face turned blue as he spat another mouthful of blood from anger and fainted.

Long feng left the scene with a chuckle and headed back to his pavilion to complete his seclusion.

He hadn't used any energy in this spar. He took it as an exercise and he naturally had to continue his seclusion. Long feng felt that his chances of reaching the eighth Yin level within a month was quite high. Only then could he fight Han Man without falling to a disadvantage.

In his seclusion room, Long feng sat down with a thoughtful look on his face. He had been trying to reenter his ethereal meditative state but he couldn't figure out how. The meditative state only came suddenly at any time. His cultivation speed usually doubled and he felt the profoundness of his Dao whenever he entered the meditative state.

It was just as elusive as the world creation he witnessed when he was in a coma. That scene felt like it concealed the greatest truths of the grand Dao. Other than that period, Long feng had been unable to review that scene, which was a huge loss to him. With a sigh, he gave up thinking and closed his eyes, his dantian turning into an endlessly whirling vortex which devoured natural energies…