Chapter 122- Blue sky province?

Chapter 122

       Another month passed in the blink of an eye. Inside his seclusion room, Long feng slowly opened his eyes which shone brightly like the stars in the dark night. He inhaled deeply and released a wisp of his aura.

Rank eight Yin level!

Long feng smiled, proud of his accomplishments. How many people could boast about making a breakthrough within two months after their previous breakthrough? Just the bottleneck between the minor levels were enough to deter countless prodigies!

Weirdly though, Long feng had actually never encountered a real bottleneck in his cultivation. His path was clear without any hindrance, which was surprising. There must be a reason which he wasn't aware of. Nonetheless, it was actually a good thing for him. His cultivation would progress smoothly, and judging by how he cultivated at a breakneck pace, he was likely to reach the Spirit and even Imperial realm within two or three years!

That was unprecedented throughout the history of Yihua Continent!

But Long feng didn't think that Imperial realm masters were invincible in the world. He had seen the entire starry sky and witnessed the creation of the world, coupled with Wu Kong's unrivaled strength, there were probably higher realms above the Imperial realm!

Before Wu Kong's power, an Imperial realm master was below an ant! He wasn't worth anything. That was the extent of Wu Kong's strength.

Long feng even suspected that the profound martial deity had attained a realm above the Imperial realm, though it was merely a conjecture.

He had also witnessed the might of someone whom he suspected to be Wu Kong's mysterious master. That person's hand could cover the sky and grasp the earth! Not even Wu Kong felt as mighty as that person! What was the Imperial realm before such masters? They weren't worth a fart!

Even if Wu Kong and his master hadn't attained the peak of the Martial cultivation, they were probably not far off from it.

Taking a deep breath, Long feng stood up as a resolute glint flashed past his eyes.

It was time to challenge Han Man!

Long feng didn't really take Han Man as his opponent now. Han Man was just a way for him to train himself, a stepping stone on his path to be blunt. His real opponents were the mysterious masters above the Imperial realm, and his goal was to surpass Wu Kong! His martial heart had never been filled with so much determination and fighting spirit before.

He walked out of the seclusion room and cleaned up, changing into a new set of robes before leaving his pavilion.

He immediately headed to the Core court and went to Lord Yi Ming's palace.

The old man was seated cross legged in the hall, his posture the same as the last time Long feng came. It was like he never changed his position.

"Boy, you really made another breakthrough? Your speed really makes one feel insignificant in comparison." Lord Yi Ming was pleasantly surprised after seeing Long feng's cultivation.

Long feng smiled.

"This junior is merely lucky. I came because I needed master's help actually"

Lord Yi Ming nodded and spoke.

"I can't make you change your mind lest it becomes an impediment in your future path." He was silent for a minute. "I will speak with the sect master. He will have the final say in this." He continued.

"Thank you, master. This disciple can not wait until the ten months period elapse. The sect is restricting my freedom, which I don't like. If my battle with Han Man can be arranged immediately, I will appreciate it" Long feng smiled.

Lord Yi Ming sighed.

"Han Man is not an easy opponent. Besides, the sect has more or less forgotten about your crime of cultivating in the sacred ground. I can put in some good words for you and the sect won't bother you even if you don't fight"

Long feng chuckled.

"Master spoke about not impeding my future cultivation. If I give up half way on this challenge, then I may end up developing a heart demon." He slowly shook his head. "I can't withdraw from this, not after my earlier grudge against him." Long feng stood up.

"Fine. You can go die. Why does this old master cares about you anyway?" Lord Yi Ming closed his eyes in meditation, not paying attention to Long feng again.

Long feng wasn't bothered by that. Since Lord Yi Ming had given his word to speak with the sect master, then he would definitely not go back on his words.

With that in mind, Long feng left the core court satisfied and went in search of Yan Jian. After searching around the entire Elite court and still not finding Yan Jian, Long feng gave up searching and returned to his pavilion, only to find Yan Jian waiting for him outside his pavilion.

Smiling helplessly, he walked over to Yan Jian,

"I toured the entire court in search of you!" He spoke up.

Yan Jian, who was unaware of his arrival jumped to his feet and faltered on his foot.

"Brother feng?" He looked startled.

Long feng came over and sat down opposite Yan Jian.

"Why were you looking for me?" Yan Jian asked while sitting down.

"Nothing important. Tell me, why were you waiting for me?" Long feng asked with a smile.

"Oh, right. I came to congratulate brother feng. You are now the first Elite disciple on the Mortal heaven Elite ranking list." Yan Jian remembered the purpose of his visit and stated.

Long feng's expression didn't change.

"Is that all?" He asked.

"Do you even know what that means? You are just one step away from becoming a Core disciple! Isn't that a good news?" Yan Jian inquired.

Long feng sighed.

"I'm fighting against the top core disciple in a few days. What does my fight against Shi Huo count for then? Besides, the first Elite disciple is but a mere title. And all I need is more strength." His tone was solemn.

Yan Jian was stunned to silence for a while, then he spoke,

"I didn't think of it in that way. I guess you are right. Without enough strength, no title can protect your life." His eyes shone.

"Alright, I've answered your question. Now, what were you going to tell me?" He asked.

Long feng smiled.

"Nothing much. I am going to leave this province after my battle with Han Man, regardless of the result of the fight. This province is too small to hold me, and it also isn't safe for me. I will only return when I am strong enough to protect myself" He replied.

Yan Jian broke out in a grin.

"Really? Where are we going to? Blue sky province? Qiu dynasty province? Soul heaven province?…" Yan Jian rambled on and on until he listed all thirteen provinces of the continent before he smiled awkwardly and kept quiet.

Long feng laughed.

"When did it became we? Are you leaving with me?" He asked.

Yan Jian snorted.

"Of course I am coming. I have traveled to at least half of the provinces in this Continent so my knowledge is above yours. Having a guide like me must be your greatest luck!"

Long feng laughed.

"Brother Yan sure likes to joke. I guess you're coming too then."

Yan Jian rolled his eyes.

"Where are you going to?" He asked hurriedly.

"I'm not sure. But we will first visit the blue sky province. You once said that you were raised in the Blue sky province and your adoptive father died there. We will go and burn incense for him" he replied thoughtfully.

Yan Jian fell silent for a minute,

"Hm. I haven't done that in a couple of years" he nodded.

Long feng patted his shoulder.

"How is Blue sky province compared to Jianhai province?" He asked to lighten up the atmosphere.

As expected, Yan Jian soon forgot his sorrow.

"I'm sorry to say but Jianhai province simply can not be compared to my blue sky province. They are in completely different levels!" Yan Jian said with some pride.

It was normal to feel proud, though. The fact that one's home was among the best was enough for someone to boast about for a lifetime.