Chapter 130- Darn old men!

Chapter 130

Long feng on the other hand, suppressed his roiling vitality. It was taxing for him to use a spirit armament more than thrice even with his current strength without emptying his reserve of inner energy. He had to end this fight immediately!

With a roar, he poured his inner energy into the spirit armament and swung it at Han Man again.

Han Man felt the aura of death looming over him and he was sure that even if he wasn't killed by this strike, he would be in a half dead state!

At the critical moment, a sword light appeared out of nowhere and collided against the pitch black sword energy, destroying it.

Multiple figures who were seated on the highest viewing platform appeared in front of Han Man. The person who had reached Han Man was old man Jian, who had a grim expression.

"Brat, this fight ends here! You're coming with this old master back to the clan!" He ordered with a stern expression.

Long feng was undaunted as he had more or less figured out that something similar would happen after he took out the Origin Spirit Sword. Some of the people who had seen the sword back at the spirit palace would definitely recognize it and this matter wouldn't end easily.

"This junior is flattered to be invited by senior, but I'm afraid I will have to decline your goodwill. But I will definitely come when I am free!" He replied.

"Enough nonsense! You will come with me back to the sect and your punishment will be decided by the law enforcement hall of the Jianhai clan!" Old man Jian retorted instantly.

The crowd expressed their confusion.

"May this junior ask about what crime he committed to deserve any punishment?" Long feng asked calmly with a smile.

"You dare to ask such a question? This old master would not rest until he butchers you up!" The Wuma clan elder shouted.

Long feng glanced at him.

"Who are you?" He asked flatly.

The Wuma clan elder's chest heaved up and down in rage.

Seeing as the situation was detoriating, old man Jian hurriedly interrupted.

"This old master will explain your crimes so that you can be without doubts" he cleared his throat and continued, "you, Long feng, used the fake identity of a Wuma Clansman and entered the Origin Spirit Land of the Jianhai clan, after which you stole the spirit palace and the spirit armament from the place. You also used despicable means to enter the Wuma clan and rob them off fifty years worth of wealth!. Your subsequent actions were a direct challenge to the whole province which threw the province into an uproar which shook the rule of the province overlord. Those are your crimes" old man Jian said.

The crowd were in an uproar after hearing these crimes. It was not hard for them to infer that Long feng was actually the mysterious youth named Feng who ran rampant in the province! These were the exact same crimes committed by that person!

They all stared at Long feng with incredulous looks.

Long feng coughed with some embarrassment as he scratched his chin.

"Does senior has any proof?" He asked.

Old man Jian snorted.

"My words are enough proof! And the stolen spirit armament is in your possession." He replied.

Long feng nodded.

"Then this grudge would likely not end soon. In that case, I think i really should be going, senior. We will meet again if we are fated to" he grinned.

Sensing that something was off, old man Jian instantly reached out to grab Long feng when Long feng swung the Origin Spirit Sword at the elders.

A pitch black sword shadow appeared, taking the flustered elders by suprise.

The elders were taken aback and instantly worked together to dispel the sword energy. When the dust settled, Long feng was already more than fifty meters away.

"You think you can escape? Dream on!" Almost all the elders surged their energies and chases after Long feng, leaving the sect master and elders of Mortal heaven sect there sporting different expressions.

Han Man stood behind with a solemn expression, knowing that today's battle against Long feng ended with his loss. If he hadn't been saved at the last minute, he would probably be half dead right now!

He looked in the direction which Long feng fled and sighed softly.

Long feng ran without holding back as he pushed his void roc agility technique to the limit! His figure seemed erratic as he ran with all his might, but his efforts proved abortive as the powerful auras behind him slowly closed the distance between them.

Gulping, Long feng cursed his luck repeatedly.

[Damn it. Those old geezers! Fancy bullying a small kid like me?] He thought.

"Seniors, are you planning on ganging up against an innocent young child like me? Don't you care about your faces?" He shouted as he ran.

The Wuma clan's elder was the person who replied.

"Brat, you'd better stop if you know what is best for you, otherwise, this old master would waste your cultivation and castrate you!" He shouted.

Among all the people present, he was undoubtedly the one with the greatest grudge against Long feng!

"Senior, this feng is still a virgin. How can you think of castrating me? There is no need to be so rash!" Long feng replied, increasing his speed.

"That's right. There is no need to be rash. How about you stop and spare us the trouble of catching you ourselves?" Old man Jian who was in the lead asked.

Long feng gritted his teeth.

"How about you stop first?" He asked.

"No. You have to show your sincerity by stopping first!" Old man Jian refuted.

"Damn you old fart. Sincerity my foot. If I stop, I would probably not live to see my grandchildren! Besides, that old thing beside you threatened to castrate me. If he does, then even if I survive, I will never have any children to speak of!" Long feng cursed.

Old man Jian was so angry that he laughed.

"Good! Brat, don't let me catch you or I will make you regret being born! I hope you still act so unyielding then." As he spoke, his inner energy surged and his speed increased.

Long feng remained silent and focused on escaping.

They continued their cat and dog chase for two hours. The distance between the two parties constantly reduced and at this rate, it would take only another hour for Long feng to be caught. He desperately surged his inner energy to run faster but he couldn't increase the distance between them no matter what he did. The old men were set on catching him.

On the other hand, the elders including old man Jian were feeling embarrassed. They were respected Yang level elders in their respective powers who had near unlimited authority, yet, they were unable to catch a Yin realm brat after two hours of constant chase! If this got out, they would never be able to show their faces in a crowd!

In a fit of rage spurned by his embarrassment, old man Jian threw out his palm at the escaping Long feng. His inner energy churned as a thirty meter huge palm condensed from energy and slowly grabbed at Long feng.

At that instant, Long feng felt an unprecedented sense of danger. Without hesitating, he threw out a palm sized palace which immediately enlarged into a huge palace behind him. The palm crashed into the palace.


       The Origin Spirit Palace shook as Long feng's inner energy was thrown into chaos and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Many of his bones were broken and he was thrown forward, slowly increasing the distance between the elders and him. With a thought, Long feng recalled the spirit palace as he ignored his injuries and used the force of the collision as boost to run faster…