Chapter 131- Tricked them?

Chapter 131

"That damned brat! I will disember him into hundred pieces if I catch him!" Old man Jian felt even more embarrassed after his attack was blocked.

"That seemed to be the Origin Spirit Palace" an elder frowned.

Old man Jian nodded.

"Only the Origin Spirit Palace can block this old master's attack" he replied, feeling slightly better. If it was a powerful armament like the Origin spirit palace that was used to counter his attack, then it wasn't so embarrassing.

"This brat's luck is quite good. And his life also seems tenacious" another elder spoke.

"Hmph! No matter how much luck he has, this old master will still hack him to death!" The Wuma clan's elder spat.

          Long feng felt the approaching auras and couldn't help but cursing out.

"Seniors, this junior has an idea! How about you wait for me to return from a trip? I will instantly head over to the Jianhai clan and give you these spirit armaments" he proposed.

The elders outright ignored him and simply focused on capturing him.

"Damn it do you old farts have no shame? Is it fun to bully a child who is age mates with your grandchildren?" Long feng shouted.

All the elders were enraged but they held their tongues. They could only admit that in terms of a battle of words, they were no match for Long feng. His mouth was as fast as it was vicious!. Long feng also fell silent and simply ran faster.

An incense stick worth of time later, an elder frowned.

"Where is that brat headed to?"

All the elders immediately frowned, feeling troubled.

"Is he planning on leaving the province? That bastard!" The Wuma clan's elder gritted his teeth.

"He might only be trying to shake us off. With his meager strength, he will not survive if he leaves this province." Old man Jian gritted his teeth and moved faster.

          Long feng pushed himself to his limits trying to outrun his pursuers. The elders were right. He was planning on leaving the province because that was his only chance of survival. As long as he left the province, old man Jian and the others would not be able to chase him any longer. Luckily, Gan yu city was relatively close to a neighboring province which was ruled by a great sect called the boundless sky pavilion.

Boundless sky province was a mid ranked province which was far above Jianhai province. As long as he entered the province, he would be relatively safe.

Old man Jian and the others seemed to have seen through his thoughts and they chased after him even more ruthlessly. When they were close enough, old man Jian would launch an attack at Long feng, forcing him to repeatedly use the spirit palace to protect himself while slowly accumulating more injuries in his body.

At a certain moment, Long feng felt excited as he was getting close to the border between Jianhai province and boundless sky province!

He would reach in one more hour. Old man Jian and the others felt desperate. If they allowed Long feng to escape, then they would have no face anymore!

Dozens of mid Yang realm masters chased after a Yin level youth, but the youth escaped? Wouldn't that be the greatest joke in the world?

They hesitated for a moment before gritting their teeth and decisively burning a part of their live sources after some considerations, resulting in a drastic increase in their speeds!

Long feng's expression changed as he felt the dozens of aura behind him catching up at a stunning pace! It didn't take long for the distance between the two parties to reduce by half!

At this rate, they would catch up in an incense stick worth of time!

Long feng's face flushed from exhaustion as he burned his inner energy. Still, the distance between them continued to shorten.

Seeing that his efforts were in vain, Long feng tried to use a different approach.


His soul power exploded out of his body. Pure white soul energy spread out with him as the center and covered a distance of a few meters, stunning his pursuers.

"The hell! That boy is a soul cultivator too?" An elder of Lang ya sect shouted with bulging eyes.

"And his attainments in the soul path is also surprising!" Old man Jian narrowed his eyes.

Most of the elders felt a pang of regret. If they had known that Long feng was a soul cultivator, then they would have thought twice before chasing after him like this.

           In the entire province, how many soul cultivators existed? They numbered less than fifty in total!

And the approximate number of people living in the province including martial cultivators surpassed a million!

           The rarity of soul cultivators could be imagined. Fifty soul cultivators only out of over a million people?

In any province, soul cultivators were revered! That was because only soul cultivators could arrange formations like protective, offensive, concealment and other formations for great sects!

Moreover, only soul cultivators could refine pills and armaments using their soul powers!.

         No sect in their right senses would want to offend a soul cultivator. They would even struggle to gain his approval.

After knowing that Long feng was a soul cultivator and his attainments were high, some of the sect representatives had thoughts of withdrawing before it was too late. At least, they hadn't torn all face with Long feng. He would definitely understand their worries.

Even old man Jian had a slight change in his mind. Even in the Jianhai clan, they had no more than five soul cultivators! And none of them were already at the second heaven layer while being as young as Long feng. It could be seen that in terms of talents, they were thrown into the dust by Long feng!

Clearing his throat, old man Jian spoke,

"Brat, this old master has a change of mind. Come with me to the clan and return the spirit armaments. I promise that no one will punish or berate you. With your talent, you can be accepted as member of Jianhai clan and become a core disciple. The clan will stop at nothing to groom you!" He shouted.

Long feng sneered.

"Thank you for your offer, but I'm afraid I can't accept because I don't trust you. Besides, I am contented with my current sect!" He replied.

"This old master means what he said." Old man Jian didn't get angry and instead slowed down his pace considerably.

"You must know how powerful the Jianhai clan is. Your Mortal heaven sect isn't worth anything to my Jianhai clan. If you come back with me, your future cultivation will be easy!" Old man Jian added.

Hearing that Long feng could be accepted to the Jianhai clan, the Wuma clan's elder felt unresigned! He knew that if Long feng joined the Jianhai clan, then Wuma clan would have no chance of getting their revenge!

"Old man Jian, let's not waste time talking. Let us catch that brat and flay him!" He shouted.

"Shut up!" Old man Jian glared at the Wuma clan's elder furiously.

The Wuma clan's elder shivered slightly and suppressed his rage.

At that moment, one of the other representatives exclaimed.

"This brat is running in circles!" He spoke.

"What?"old man Jian was startled and looked back at Long feng.

"Hm? Why is he… running in circles?" He asked.

Long feng was indeed running in a circle. Since he released his soul power, he began to run around in a disorganized manner while old man Jian was speaking.

Old man Jian suddenly had a faint foreboding feeling.

"Boy, what are you doing?" He asked in a restrained voice.

Long feng didn't reply and he kept running around silently.

Old man Jian frowned and increased his speed, trying to catch up to Long feng immediately. But at that time, Long feng suddenly stopped and smiled mischievously at them.

"It's done!" He muttered.

Old man Jian felt the alarms in his head go off as he had a bad premonition.


Soul power suddenly erupted around old man Jian and the others, completely surrounding them. Runes lit up with a dazzling glow and revolved on the floor around them, emanating a powerful aura. Soul power poured out of the runes and transformed into a dense rain of soul power swords that shot towards Old man Jian and the others in endless waves.

Old man jian's heart sank as he watched as Long feng who was outside the enclosure slowly walk into the distance!

He gritted his teeth

"That brat! He tricked us!" He spoke in an icy voice as he released his aura, instantly destroying a large number of the soul power swords.

"Is this a formation?" An elder asked.

"An offensive formation. That brat was actually setting up an offensive formation around us when he moved in circles!" Old man Jian felt rage and embarrassment overwhelm him. They had lived for dozens of years, yet a fifteen year old brat actually tricked them into a trap? It was simply hilarious.

"That boy's soul power is so powerful? This formation is comparable to the all out attack of a rank one Yang realm master! And it is unbelievably sturdy!" Another elder praised while fending off the rain of swords.

All the elders fell silent and attacked the formation indiscriminately to destroy it. An incense stick worth of time later, the formation shattered under the indiscriminate attacks of the old men.…