Looking for place to start

Zack was really satisfied looking at his subordinates, but time to start moving

" Scaut and Militia squad choose one each to lead you then chosen will stand before their unit and wait Shinobi come with me " Instructed Zack After the Traditional " Yes Sir " from his people he

turned around, walking 20 meters away to talk with Shinobi and giving space to arguing troops.

Shinobi stood before him with an Attentive Expression

" What is your name age and Profession " asked Zack

" As Shinobi I don't have one only after being recognised by superior I can choose one. age 14 My Profesion is Tracking Sabotage Stealth some Combat Experience My King" Answered Shinobi

" Younger than I Thouth, also lets check if I can see his information. Inspect " Thouth Zack


Name: None

age: 14

shinobi:Low F Rank

Stealth: Beginer

Tracking: Beginer

Sabotage: Beginer

Combat mastery: Beginer

" If you want, I can give you name " said Zack

" But my King I don't prove myself in anything " Young Shinobi was Shocked

" You are first from many and will have most time to grow. You deserve name if you want to prove yourself rise in power and ability to the point of becoming Shinobi squad captain in future " Zack answered with smail

" I Will do my best!! " Exclaimed teenager with determination and excitement in voice

"Hahha ok you will be Kakashi from now on" Zack decided amused by so much emotion from shinobi

" Thank you so much. I will not disappoint " Said Happy Kakashi

Then one scaut and militia came closer.

" Good exactly in time. What is your names "

" I'm Karen " Said sqaut leader

" I'm Ronan " Said militia squad leader

They both saluted with Right hand. fist to the chest.

Ronan was 2m man with Dark skin and short dark hair in his 25

Karen was 180m Women in same age as Ronan with Asian looks and long Black hair

"Good Karen Take 6 scouts with you and go in search of Place to make the start of our village. Tell 3 other to make team with 4militia each and scout area in search of Agressive creatures and minerals, Ronan Help chose trropers to squads that will go with them you and rest of 7militia secure area also you two need to make sure that everyone has rations for 2 days with them" After that Zack summoned one crate of rations Squad leaders imedietly goes to their tasks

"Now it is only to wait what they will bring. As for us Kakashi Time to train" Kakashi nodded then draw his sword and train swings with imagined enemy as for Zack he sits and starts circling his mana to strengthen control and slightly raise it to unlock some of his abilities.

After 8 hours Leaders and Scauts Returned and wait for their King to stop meditating Kakashi saw it and don't know what to do as he knew that making

His Leader stop can be seen as disrespectful but he also knows that Zack has waited for this informations so he delicate shake Zacks Shoulders.

Audience gulped seeing his actions. What if their King will be angry or worst of all, disappointed in them ?

Zack opened his eyes and looked in question at Kakashi.

" I'm really sorry to disturb you but scouts returned " said boy and motioned with his head to Scauts waiting

" Ah thank you. Good job " Answered Zack with smile and after standing he Peted Kakashis hair he can't help it his hairs looking great to pet

Kakashi looks happy to praise and wasn't embarrassed at all by public petting

" Now report " King asked authority evident in his tone

" Karen squad we found good location with lake on clearing mountains in close range 15km North from here second place is 20 to North west Mountains are close

with waterfall and river going from there "Reported karen

" Good we will go with river location now next "

" First squad we found nothing more than some no dangerous animals " Reported skaut

" Second squad we found Cave but is claimed by carnivores. We couldn't get closer to check any minerals we saw 7 of them but may be more "Said scaut showing hologram image of the beast.

"Third squad we found minerals good for production and the construction scan said that it is good resource of it but we will need drill or mining equipment to start collecting

"All of you did well. First we will go and start village and fortify it. After that we will make preparations to attack carnivores and mining" Zack didn't know

on what he will have money for, but he knows that it will not be much as he needs to buy ship to go into other planets and get informations knowlege and resources.

" Lead the way Karen, every one move out " Instructed Zack