First Encounter with Beasts

First Person Pov Zack

Sun is already going down in 2 hours night will come camp was laid on one side of river bonefires set. People lay on mattress around them 16 of them was bought.

The cost was not much, like 20 EDs total half of Troops from both squads are watching other rest after 8 hurs switch scauts has night vision in helmets so they are main watching force militia just need to react in the direction where they tell Kakashi will sleep I Watch and Switch but for now as sit is my turn.

I'm Looking at Screen showing space we are now placing constructions of traditional Japanese Houses exacly 20 of them in a circle in center bigger house in same style but is bigger with second floor looking as governor house it will be mine. For time being when i go out of this planet there will reside person who I chooseto lead the community in my absence also barracks to accommodate troops with practice room shooting renge and gym simple wooden palisade with gate Four watchtowers.

Construction time will take 12 hours so in morning it should be ok for cost because of wooden and bambo material mostly and stronger materials only for gear in gym and practice range

Cost is not as great and reaches 65K EDs then watching what is to buy in the civilians category I Took 80 Civilians 50 mans and 30 womens each cost 20 EDs that make 1600EDs cost and make them summon after evrything is build I Also think about buying some more but I nedd have something to buy ship and Drill or mining equipment which will cost much so i need to think wisely

Now What is left is 433K and 380 EDs.

Ding Misions given

1 Save Place

Description: Make your village safe Eliminate beast layers in 10Km radious

Reward: 10 milittia Gnol pirate units acces

2 Start mining

Description: Start Mining Minerals. Need to accumulate a minimum 500 kg of minerals

Rewards: 40 Mining driods

3 Need more Subjects

Description: Rise village populacy to 300

Reward: 20K EDs 40 militia Factory(Small) can build starfighters bombers or droids warning Factory needs blueprint to produce anything

Quests are in same way that I wanted to go anyway. rewards are rather small and factory needs a blueprint that after what I have planned, can't be used by some time but there is no rush As a Vampire I Don't lack in time hahaha.

When it was close to end of my watch I felt something coming from the Forest. How? Ares Balanced world giving all living beings access to some sort of force

Passive is in anyone but only some can use it actively Like force or mana users passive is busting capabilitis of organism like better perception strronger body or reflex. So if anyone have a trace of power in them, then I can sense them of course, there are droids or cloaking techniques that can be used even by passives in what way you will know in future.

" Something is coming from the woods direction, militia take positions and preper to fire scauts the same also give directions for militia" I shout orders also Waking up others from sleep they slippery take gear some don't have helmets when coming in positons. Ehhh what to expect of militia. Hope that no one die in a friendly fire was my thought when standing behind them Kakashi at my side. I will not risk standing in front I Don't have as much Mana to withstand multi shot to back also me in front will make millitia nervus to fire.

"Woooooo!!!!" There was a loud howl of Beasts when they exit forest 300 meters away can be seen same monster that was shown by skaut all brown.10 brown White Biger beast in back Alpha

If system soldiers don't have Fanatic loyalty, I'm sure they would be trembling right now. Beasts rush to us "Fire !!!" Shouted Leaders of squads guns blazing.

but it comes that armor of beasts is really sturdy, as I see one taking 5 hits and don't even stop Militia Hit rate is low only 1 from 5 shots hit scauts are doing a better job they try to shot at one beast that make efects as 2 beasts fall from their shots in last 20 meters 1 more beast fall rest of 8 monsters tear in ranks of militia shredding first ones with razor sharp fangs and claws 8 man fall in seconds militia try to keep distance and fire on sides and back of bests scauts shoting as well. Time to act "Lets go" I said and rush there Kakashi at my side "Take care of 2 on left flank" boy nodded and go there

I rushed to center where 3 beasts where was death zone white one no wehere to be seen. Scauts saw our movment and strat shooting at 2 beasts on right flank.

After I come close to beast that with his powerful jaw, bites the militia in chest and then throw him in air scream was short lived as other jumped and Ended him.

With sword in righ hand i slashed at beasts back for it to don't go full way trough but still wounded animal "Roarrr" Roared beast and turn around to face me but already my left sword pierced its throat. Last thing beast saw was my Hair going white eyes turn crimson fangs clearly seen. monster become motionless and fall other beast rushed at me ignoring militia jumped with open jaw and Raizor claws in front I ducked to right in same motion throwing my sword in his mouth sword pierced skull of beast he was dead before landing but stil force will make me pierced by claws and under the heavy body of a predator if I stay in its way.

"Woooo!!!!" Echoed through battel beasts star retriting to forest

I Can see Alpha looking at me with intelligent eyes and running as well with only 2 comerades. They want to know our strength and determine our leader

They are not mindless beasts as I thought maybe this race can be tamed in future was my thoughts, but now I look at my Troops from 20 Militia 5 is standing

they have some wounds. Scouts lost 2 Hevy loses in first encounter kakashi have small wound on back but nothing life threatening

What is left is 5 militia and 6 scauts not much, especially to go on their territory. I need more but for now I need to feast on beasts blood after biting

with my sharp fangs into not armored flesh on neck and start drinking. After emptying 8 bodies of beasts I Had not only blood that sustains my hunger

but also reserves that will be used to Heal me Force that was in their blood strenghtened my Mana rank to medium F and in full vampire state (True Blood) to low E rank.