
Third pov

Sun Rised Dead was burned with my blue flame that Zack developed after Fight also weapons and armor were taken beforehand. Civils can be trained to defend village so no point in buying new weapons and armor some were destroyed but what survived can be used.

Mist surrounded area houses are standing as planed Palisade in place eighty civilians standing in front

" Start developing Village made farming plots and look to river for fishes. Don't go to forest for now" Ordered Zack

" As For you wounded ones go to Baracks to rest who is combat redy go to watchtowers " After instruction any one go to there spots only Young Shinobi is left

" Why are you not going to baracks " Asked Zack

" I'm Combat ready that is just a little wound. Please can I stay as your guard " Asked Kakashi

" Ok you can rest when guarding. I'm not living village for now " Said Zack with little amusment Of Kid in front of him

Now "Shop"


"Standard Troops"

Militia - 30EDs

Infantry Trooper - 60EDs

Scaut Trooper - 50EDs

Pilot - 100 EDs

Zack doesn't need pilots at the moment. there are more troops but I Will don't try list them all here

Ok so I will take 42 of Inafantry trooper 60 militia 4 scaut 4520

106 Troops appeared in front of Zack " Hail to the King !! "

" Ok soldiers I want 21 infantry troopers to come with me to the mining point rest make sure to secure the village" Zack Instructed also in same time he bought the next 75 houses for 150k and 220 civilians for 4.4k that gives 154.4K total that to complete system needs wait 12 hours

The budget went down to 274k EDs. Zack was not happy with that as the smallest amount for bigger ship is 200K so he had 74K to spend.

When his group was ready at the gate, guards opened it and small squad marched to place where scauts mark 21 soldiers Zack and Kakashi went into Jungle.

After 3 hours they come to place cave with minerals clearly seen on walls "krak" Some abomination like lizard with the face of a frog emerged from

cave Soldiers blasted it down on moment when it emerged "Clear Cave" Ordered Zack checking Minning options Soldiers dispresed in two groups one go into cave

and one stay with Zack Frowned Drill Costs 50K and Mining droid 100 He can have 500 Droids in cost of one drill. Soldier come out from cave " Sector clear sir "Reported Trooper

" Good " Zack answered and took Drill and 20 mining droids For 52k Drill was medium size and start working in cave 20 mining droids was send to Main as well. Zack Called for 30 militia to come here for security also he left 10 Infantry soldiers and 1 who reported in lead of building post here. then with last 10 and Kakashi returned to the village.

Start Planing for last act before going out into the universe, exterminating beasts, Zack smirked.

Hour later there is 30 Infantry troops 1 more in lead and 5 scouts and Shinobi

" We are Marching to kill beasts. They are strong but we will give our everything to accomplish it!!" Zack said and give signal to march.

Troopers have a better blasters and are trained that shouldn't be one side massacre like with millitia

After another 1 and half hour squad reached cave. Zack feels the 15 beasts in cave good they are not aware of us Troppers positioned themselves in 150 meters from cave weapons aimed at entrance scauts in flanks kakashi on left side of formation Zack in front center now how to make them attack

"Soldier, give me your granade" Zack said to closest trooper "yes Sir" Trooper give ball like granade

Zack procide to front of cave feeling that 5 beasts are close to entrance ready to pounce on him he activate and throw greanade at entrance

Granade landed under one of them and blew up 3 die instant 2 injured "Hoooo" Howl was heard. 9 more rushed from cave to troppers that opened fire

Beasts ignored Zack last one was Alpha who attacked Zack In Sounds of blaster fire howl of beasts Zack and Alpha were Fighting Zack try to slash crature but evry time it Doged "Fuck it I don't have time for you" Said Zack activeiting Pure Blood His spead and Strenght Reached Beasts. Beast wanted to jump at him then Zack smirked "got you" From his hand shot blue flames that covered beast it not do much some slight burns against Arrmored beast but it scared it that he go on to back Legs showing his exposed stomach, Zack shot there slashing with all his might, killing the beast. After looking to said he saw that troopers and Kakashi end rest as well with only 3 dead Zack don't feel much left in cave some cubs that are too young to fight.

"Go into cave and catch cubs we will try to tame them" Troopers go into cave and start their job. Zack start sucking blood from beasts alfa give the most mana rush Now I'm in High F Rank and middle E in Full Form it is not much From now it will be much harder to go up.

Missions completed

1 Save Place

Description: Make your village to save Eliminate beast layers in 10Km radius

Reward: 10 milittia Gnoll pirate units acces

2 Start mining

Description: Start Mining Minerals. Need to accumulate a minimum 500kg of minerals

Rewards: 40 Mining driods

3 Need more Subjects

Description: Rise village populacy to 300

Reward: 20K EDs 40 militia Factory(Small) can build starfighters bombers or droids warning Factory needs blueprint to produce anything

Oh How perfectly all goes in one go haha.