Nagara 2 and Nalaro Hutt

Zack was really happy as all the missions were completed now the last thing and he can go out into the galaxy to farm more EDs in what way? Well.


Exchange function

Any Object can be sold to system weapons droids ships cargo etc. system will give 70% of original price also you must have object for 3 days or Take it to

Your Home system or planet under your control can also exchange Republic Credits or Criminal UPis and any other currency in Galaxy

The rate for Credits is 10 to 1 for UPis 2 to 1.

Zack has 242K EDs.

Ok I Will Live all militia they are not need 2 Troppers in Lead and 10 more to be Reaction team

Now Buy 1 Gowernor letts see


Managing Skill

One star -10K

Two stars -30K

Three stars -50K

Zack doesn't need to look more than is his limit for now so he buy two star Governor When mist Cleared stod before him Man with good build 190cm tall in High class clothes.

"I'm Calad how can I Serw you" Asked Governor

"You will manage this vilage and mining outpost. I Will send you some resources ones in a while to speed process" Said Zack

"Of course. I will do my best. I Wish Safe travels, my King" Said Calad and excused himself.

An hour later, Zack can be seen on field looking at Ships that he can buy He was really not excited he can't buy more than Small Frigate

But then he got notification For first ship buy every moth is 50% off Zacks eyes light up also he can sell some minerals magazined

He sold 3Tons of them to reach 260K EDs Then buy System Ships are not known mostly

Samurai heavy Frigate Class for 160K EDs that had 600M long 8 Dual light Laser Cannons, 2 Dual heavy turbo lasers point defence 6 front torpedo tubs and Hangar for 120 starfighters. Not much but it is a great ship in his class 120People can use it aditional crew of 120 Pilots and 400troppers. 1 drop ship for 10k, 2 Sith Empire interceptors (They are updated so there should be devastators) 20k each pluse 10 Meccan Fighters 2k Each 70k now for crew 20 Pilots for 2K 100Tropers in mercenary wariant for 6k as their gear is on same price and Ship Maitance crew 2k

240k Total

20K was Used for Interceptor Three-star pilot knowledge for him and Kakashi makes it 0EDs left Zack Board ship and go to comand room Evryone saluting

"Ship is ready to go" Reported Captyn of ship

"Great We are Going to Criminal space controlled by hutts Planet Nagara 2 " Said Zack And Expedition begins

After 6 Hours in Hyper space, we go out in Hutts space As it is criminal free they are no checking papers or idnentity there is no port as well so Zack decided to live frigate in space to not anger resident hutt. after giving order that Captyn can answer to any enemy activitis with force

He went to hangar there waited Kakashi with 20 Troppers equipped with EN-5 Blasters and a Mercenary Armor outfit and 2 pilots for Drop ship Zack and Kakashi Hop up to Interceptors after evry one was ready they took of to middle city on outskirts.

People that were doing their own business on the outskirts looked to the sky seeing drop ship and 2 Interceptors landing. Ramp of drop ship opened Reveling well, armed men in black colored gear that start going out of ship from two interceptors go out young looking boy and another clad in black menacing looking armor is definitely the leader of this group. Some pirats reach for weapons as they don't know who they are civils hiding or watching. Then man start giving ordereders troopers.

" 10 Troppers will stay with pilots and secure landing area I don't want to see any bastard closer than 20 meters from ships rest will come with me to the city " Ordered Zack

" Yes Sir " Troopers shout and start organizing 3 troopers stand in front 2 on each side 3 on back Zack and Kakashi Center and start walking to the city

" Wait you are on territory of Nalaro Hutt Who you are and what business you have here " Said Pirate Blaster lowered he saw gear and movement of people in front. He is not suicidal to aim at them

"We are Shadow Claws Mercenary Group and I'm Leader Shadow We are here in search of good cash contract but nothing long term" Was Zacks answer he need face for illegal activities, as when the time comes to make deals in light, he can't have the title of Criminal Overlord or Underworld Businessman added to the name.

"I never heard of you" Said Pirate suspicion evident in his tone

"We are a fresh group but all of us are war veterans or have army training, so I'm confident that Our name will be soon known" Answered Shadow

"Hmmm maybe actually I will contact Boss he always have contracts for your kind. Check city it will take some time. Boss is busy. After all we will met in 2 hours in a Bar which is located in the Smugglers district" Said Pirate

"Good I Hope it will be worth of my time" Said shadow and with others go to look around after some minutes Kakashi asked

"It is good move to talk with the Criminal Boss on his planet if something goes wrong there is too many of them"

"You are right but if as fresh Mecenary we can't decline meeting a hutt we can be banned or even hunted in the whole criminal hutt territory" Answered Zack

"I Just don't like it we don't even know his speech. We will only know what the translator says" Hufed kakashi

"And that is good point you see one of the Vampire Progenitor Perks is Skill known as Blood Reading. It makes me see information that i need and also can learn a language that prey knows" Shadow comentet

"That means we will know what hutt says" Boys eyes lit up and Troopers look less tense.

"Exactly but first I need someone who knows. Kakashi go to find some rich fool in Smuggler district steal something from him and starts running to alleys on back he will rather follow also hide weapons and where hood he can't feel danger they are doing buissnes hear so they should knows minimum basics of huttese " Instructed Shadow

Kakashi go to search in same time Shadow and troopers go into allay making trap.. ping ping communicator start biping Shadow answered it

"He took bait we are going into your allay in 2 minutes he have 3 men with him but only with electric batons" Reported Kakashi

After 2 minutes can be seen a boy running from chasing after him 4 adults 1 rich clothed and 3 goons. Boy goes in alley and stands there with heavy breaths

"Hahahahh we got you little rat, now you will suffer!!" Exclaimed the merchant

"Oh and I think that it is me that got you" Smirked boy no trace of exhaustion from a moment ago can be seen. Then from dark alleys comes 11 men.

8 of them quickly killed goons with Vibroknifes

2 got merchant on his knees last man lider comes from behind boy and patted him on the head.

"Good job now time to work with you dear guest hahah" Said, figure with dark chuckle in helmet red eyes can be seen then lower half of the helmet opened reveling razor sharp white fangs. Scream Was heard in dark alley no one who heard was interested in checking it after all it is hutts space mind your own or die for others.