First Contract

After Snack and checking belongings Shadow (Zack) Burned bodys to ash. He not only memorized Hutt language from memories of merchant but also found out Where he had his money credit chip and code to retrieve money and where he hid physical money also knew codes to his 2 magazines in the Smugler area.

Zack retrieved money and sent information to drop ship to take 5 troopers and go to a magazine, taking Goods from there. Of course, there will be many courses to get it all but it is ok, after sending code to magazins Zack looked at his credit chip there was 600K UPi from merchant that is not much as for a criminal merchant, but looking at how poor his guard was he wasn't big fish maybe in magaziens will be something worth. Zacks squad procide to bar where Pirate will wait. Finding it wasn't hard songs of drunkards and shooting from blaster to sky was like reflectors. After entering, the bar everyone went silent as expected after seen 12 armed figures, drunk pirats tense but before death dance start pirate from before go from VIP room

"Ah I was waiting at you come to room your companions can wait outside of room" said pirate with smile rest of residents in bar relaxed as armed people had business with hutt reprezentative

"Of course, but I Will bring kid with me" Said Zack Motioning to Kakashi

"Hmmm any concrete reason?" asked pirate

"Well Kids needs to learn how do business no?" Zack smirked

"Hahahha that is true, lets new generation of outlaws see some adult world" Loughed Pirate some chukles from others were heard

He is not mana or force user to discover any user so for him kakashi is not big danger as a kid that also shows that he is not high in rank the best Hutts have C ranks mana/force users in their guards Yoda is high B rank at moment what shows balance of power.

We come to VIP room Hutt don't think of us as important factor so it seems that conversation will be by holo. Holotable biped Kakashi stand out of range of holotable so slug wouldn't see him and hologram of big ugly slug comes in view.

"So that is Mercenary you were talking about Really scary armor but if it means anything?" Said slug in Huttese

"That is why I proposed test some slave traders think that they can borrow money from you and live to tell story" said pirate

"Ah yes this worm buy three small frigate and hide in Kalar Space he should have base there that would be good test" Said hut

hmmm that is a rather hard mission for start but they say 3 small frigats that means like 250m my frigate should take 2 ships at easily but 3 I'm not that sure also I need do landing and take over posible base with 1 drop ship this is hard though Zack

"Greate Nalaro wants you to find and kill small slave dealer. Information should be sent to you as proof he wants a head or if that will be not possible sent info on location and we will send the squad to confirm as for pay it will be 2M UPi but no payment before job as it is your first "Said protocal droid

"That is a great deal but what about possible cargo in base" Asked Zack. He will rather not be on black list of hutt no one will believe if he will said there was nothing

"Hahahha smart one I Feel Generous Today what you found belong to you but if they where any twilek woomens then I need more dancers I Will pay extra for them" Said slug in huttesy

"Great Nalaro Said in his generosity that you can get what you find but if there will by any twillek womens he wants to buy them" Translated droid

"Thank you great Nalaro We will not disappoint you" Said Zack

"Better for you that you don't Shadow" Said Nalaro in hutt

"Great Nalaro wish you luck Shadow" translated droid and end call

"So you got a contract, Shadow" said pirate

"Yes how much you want to arrangeing it?" Asked Zack

"Nothing just promise to help when my days will be counted" Said Pirate

Shadow rouse brow interesting but in criminal world word is free so

"Of course, I Will help how I can for opening this opportunity for me" Said Zack and excused himself.

After leaving, I told Kakashi and Troops what slug really said and we went in direction of our ships to return on Frigate after report that everything from magazines are on ship we go back to our system to buy more tp this mission as only in system we can sell and buy immediately out of it We nedd wait 3days to sell and bought things will show in my system and they need time and ships to join us.