Ch-73 Still Gravity?

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At this time, Jiraiya said, "I have a mission for all of you. Go to the location where Jiryoku and Akatsuki members engaged in battle and try to find anything significant."

"Do all four of us need to go?" Asuma asked in confusion.

"Yes, there's a high chance that other members of the Akatsuki organization may also be present, which could be troublesome," Jiraiya replied.

"Don't worry, Master Jiraiya. We will complete this mission," Guy said while giving a thumbs-up and a grin.

Jiraiya nodded and added, "I would have joined you, but I have a lead on Orochimaru. Maybe I can find some clues about the Akatsuki during this venture."

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing Jiraiya's words.

"Alright, best of luck with your mission," Jiraiya said before leaving the Hokage's office.

Kakashi turned to Naruto and Sakura and instructed, "Get ready. We'll be leaving. Meet me at the Konoha gate within half an hour."

After saying this, Kakashi also departed using the Body Flicker technique.

Naruto and Sakura hurriedly left to inform Sasuke about their mission. Sasuke was in the hospital. Although Itachi didn't use Tsukuyomi on him, he did meet with Itachi, who demonstrated the prowess of his Sharingan.

Initially, Itachi had planned to use Tsukuyomi on Sasuke, but after receiving orders from Pain that they were going to attack Jiryoku, he didn't use his Mangekyo Sharingan and avoided a major confrontation with Jiraiya as well.

(A/N: It is an established fact that Itachi only used the Mangekyo Sharingan when it was necessary; that's why he didn't go blind for a long time.)

After Naruto and Sakura informed Sasuke, he also prepared to leave with them.

At the gate, Kakashi stood alongside other Jonin leaders.

"Kakashi-Sensei, it's a surprise for us that you arrived on time," Naruto remarked.

"It's a serious and urgent matter; I can't afford to slack off," Kakashi replied.

The others also agreed with Kakashi, and soon everyone gathered at the Konoha gate before departing from Konoha.


In the Shikkotsu Forest:

"How is he even alive?" remarked Tsunade after examining Jiryoku.

"Almost every bone in his body is broken, multiple internal injuries. How resilient his body is for him to survive such injuries," Tsunade commented.

"Can he be cured?" asked Katsuyu.

"Yes, but it's impossible here. I need equipment and assistance to heal him. I have to take him to the Konoha hospital, and only there can I heal him," Tsunade explained.

(A/N: There was a mistake on my part in the last chapter. Small Katsuyu will remain in Konoha.)

"Alright, then I will summon you back to Konoha," said Katsuyu.

Tsunade nodded and reappeared in the Konoha office where Shizune was waiting.

"Tsunade-Sama, you returned so quickly?" Shizune said, looking confused.

"Yes, Jiryoku's condition is quite serious. I can't treat him there. Go and prepare a special and isolated room. I will treat him there, and remember that no one should know that I am treating Jiryoku," Tsunade instructed.

Shizune nodded and replied, "Alright, Tsunade-Sama. I will immediately arrange for a room like that. In the meantime, you can go through these documents."

Tsunade glanced at the large stack of documents on her table, then looked at Shizune, who used the Body Flicker technique to leave quickly. "Damn it! Kid, you better provide me with good information, or I will break all your bones with my own hands," Tsunade muttered as she stamped the papers, pressing so hard that it seemed like she might break the table.

After an hour, everything was arranged, and Katsuyu reverse-summoned Jiryoku to the room, where Tsunade began his treatment.


It had been six hours since everyone left Konoha, and they finally arrived at the location where Jiryoku and the Akatsuki members had fought.

As they reached the vicinity of the battlefield, they first noticed broken trees, bent trees, some uprooted trees, and large stones out of place. They were shocked by the destruction but continued walking. After covering a distance of almost 200 meters, they stood in front of a massive crater, approximately 100 meters wide and 20 meters deep.

The crater appeared empty and devoid of anything.

"Wow, such a big crater," Naruto exclaimed. He was about to enter it when Kakashi stopped him, saying, "Stop!"

Naruto looked at Kakashi, puzzled. "What happened, Kakashi-Sensei?"

Kakashi didn't immediately respond to Naruto. Instead, he took out his kunai and hurled it into the crater. The kunai remained normal as long as it was outside the crater. However, as soon as it entered the crater's range, it rapidly descended and pierced the ground.

Naruto still had a bewildered expression, trying to comprehend what had just happened. The speed of the kunai had suddenly increased.

Seeing Naruto's perplexed look, Sasuke chimed in, "Idiot, the gravity inside that range is very high."

"Sasuke is right. The gravity inside the crater seems to be very high, so you all will stay outside. We will go inside to investigate," Kakashi explained.

With that, Kakashi and the other Jonins entered the crater. The gravity inside was nearly three times the normal level, and in the center of the crater, it reached five times the normal gravity.

After searching for 15 minutes without finding anything, they decided to leave the crater. It was then that Guy proposed, "My eternal rival Kakashi, let's have a race. Whoever gets out of the crater first wins."

Kakashi also agreed to lighten the mood and ran with Guy. The result was that Guy won the match.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)