Ch-74 Isn't he unconscious?

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When Kakashi and Guy emerged from the crater, the Genin were also curious about the gravity. They entered cautiously, and almost everyone was able to withstand it. However, only Naruto, Sasuke, and Neji found it relatively easy to endure, while the others had more difficulty, especially those with weaker bodies like Ino and Tenten.

Finally, everyone exited the crater, and as soon as he emerged, Naruto asked Kakashi, "Kakashi-Sensei, have you ever witnessed such destruction elsewhere?"

"Yes, I've encountered it a few times. During the Third Ninja War, I fought alongside my teacher, the Fourth Hokage, on the battlefront of the Earth Country. There were two Jinchuriki who could use the 'Tailed Beast Bomb,' a move comparable to Jiryoku's. That move caused destruction similar to what we just witnessed," Kakashi replied, reminiscing about his days on the battlefield.

"Wow, were they as destructive as this?" Sakura inquired.

"Yes, and it's quite different from Jiryoku's condition. Just using this move once severely injured him, whereas those Jinchuriki could fire the 'Tailed Beast Bomb' in rapid succession, that's why Tailed Beasts are considered strategic weapon." Asuma explained.

Kakashi looked at Asuma, his eyes filled with a warning to speak less, as Naruto was also present, and Naruto now knew about tailed beasts and was aware that he was the host of the Nine-Tails. Asuma quieted down after catching Kakashi's warning glance, his embarrassment evident in his smile.

This was the first time these Genins had heard such details about a Tailed Beast.

"We didn't find anything inside the crater, so let's spread out and search the surroundings to see if we can find anything significant," Kakashi instructed.

Everyone nodded and began searching their surroundings but found nothing of significance except for a sleeve with a red cloud pattern.

Since they couldn't find anything, they promptly returned to Konoha.

After their return, they learned about Jiryoku's serious injury, and Ino-Shika-Cho wanted to visit him, but Tsunade did not permit it.

Jiryoku's treatment continued for nearly three days.

In the Hokage's office, Ino asked, "Hokage-Sama, how is Jiryoku's condition?"

"I've never seen a body like his; it's quite unique. His body has exceptional healing properties. Even for a normal ninja, it would take around a year to fully recover after all the treatment, but with the speed he is healing, he should be able to recover within 4 to 5 months," Tsunade replied.

Ino was delighted to hear this and inquired, "Hokage-Sama, when do you think Jiryoku will regain consciousness?"

"I can't say for certain, but he should wake up within 2 to 3 days," Tsunade answered.

Ino nodded and left the Hokage's office to visit Jiryoku.


The next night, five ninjas infiltrated the hospital ward where Jiryoku was undergoing treatment. Inside the ward lay Jiryoku, unconscious.

"Finish him quickly," instructed the lead ninja. The others nodded and drew their short swords. One by one, they launched attacks on Jiryoku from all directions, attempting to deliver a fatal blow in a single strike.

As their swords approached different parts of Jiryoku's body, they all inexplicably became stuck, as if an invisible barrier had formed around him.

"Is he awake?" one of them questioned. However, before anyone could respond, a powerful repulsive force erupted from Jiryoku's body, sending them all flying. It was like a small explosion that shook the ward's walls, creating a commotion felt by everyone in the hospital's vicinity.

Ino happened to be in the hospital, looking after Jiryoku. Exhausted, she had fallen asleep. Upon hearing the disturbance, she rushed into the ward where Jiryoku lay. She saw him peacefully resting on the bed, showing no signs of waking up. The room was in chaos, with all the equipment broken inside Jiryoku's ward. Three ninjas were embedded in the wall, and on the floor, amidst the debris, lay two unconscious or possibly dead ninjas.

But she didn't waste any time when she saw ninjas approaching. She immediately went to Jiryoku's bed, covered his body with a bedsheet, and promptly left the room.

Soon, ninjas started entering the ward with broken walls. Upon entering, they discovered scattered debris, but there was no sign of anyone except for the unconscious ninjas who had attempted to attack Jiryoku.

At this moment, the Hokage was informed, and Tsunade arrived in haste. When she saw the severely damaged room where Jiryoku had been, she was shocked. She considered the possibility that Jiryoku might have regained consciousness and fled Konoha. Thus, she was about to order a search when Ino approached her and whispered in her ear, "Hokage-Sama, I have hidden Jiryoku."

Tsunade nodded and addressed the other ninjas, saying, "It appears that there were intruders in our village, but don't worry. We will locate them. You may all go and rest."

With Tsunade's permission, everyone present left the area, except for Asuma, Kakashi, Guy, and Kurenai, who were aware of the situation.

Tsunade then inquired, "Where is he?"

"Follow me," Ino led them to an empty ward where she had concealed Jiryoku. This was made possible because she was a sensory-type ninja; otherwise, it would have been challenging for anyone else.

Tsunade examined Jiryoku and determined that he was still unconscious.

"Didn't he cause all this?" Tsunade questioned, puzzled.

At this point, Kakashi remarked, "Hokage-Sama, judging by the extent of the damage in the ward, it's undoubtedly the result of an attack that he is capable of."

"But he is still unconscious," Tsunade noted, which left everyone in confusion except Ino.

"I think I know the reason," Ino said.

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