Wrong Time, Right place! (2)

"And that old goon, Marcus, he is too much to bear..." Wang Xiao's hands casually inspected her desk, maintaining a veneer of calm.


Josephine couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his description of Marcus. "Old goon?" she repeated, her voice tinged with amusement.

She moved towards him, intending to secure some of her important belongings, when suddenly the door to her room swung open again, unannounced.

"Josephine, can you pleas—" The new voice, distinctly feminine, cut through the air, halting both Josephine and Wang Xiao in their tracks.

They turned in unison, surprise evident in their expressions.


In a swift, almost reflexive motion, Josephine closed the distance between herself and Wang Xiao. She reached for his shoulders and, in a bold, impulsive move, pressed her lips against his.