Wrong time, Right Place (1)

Wang Xiao's steps echoed through the ornate corridors of the palace, his voice barely above a whisper, "Cursed women...?" The words felt foreign, yet they clung to his mind, echoing Marcus's enigmatic warning.

He paused under a grand archway, his gaze lost in the intricate patterns above. 'What did he mean by that?' His thoughts spiraled, seeking answers in a web of confusion. He reached for his phone, fingers tapping in a frenzied search.

But the internet, usually a sea of endless information, was eerily silent on this topic.

Each query led to a dead end, as if the world had collectively decided to shroud this mystery in silence.

With a resigned sigh, he pocketed his phone, only to have his gaze snag on Elina, the maid from earlier.

She moved with a grace that belied her station, each step a study in poise. "Elina!" he called, his voice slicing through the morning calm.