The Hidden Paradise!

The reality of her situation began to dawn on Jospehine – she was completely at Wang Xiao's mercy.

Seeing her distress, Wang Xiao quickly produced a vial from his pocket and administered the antidote. "This should counteract the effects. But here's the catch – you'll need to take this every month, and only I have the antidote," he said, his voice steady as he gently poured the light blue liquid into her mouth.

As the antidote took effect, Josephine's muscles slowly relaxed, and a wave of relief washed over her. When she finally regained her ability to speak, she asked with a mix of apprehension and curiosity, "D-Does this mean I have to see you every month for the antidote?" Despite the seriousness of the situation, a playful glint shone in her eyes.

Wang Xiao's lips curved into an almost imperceptible smile. "Yes, but it's no laughing matter. You must be diligent about it," he warned, then added, "Or you could take a bulk supply, but—"