Jospehine Posioned!

As the quilt fell, revealing Wang Xiao's form, Elina's mind seemed to whirl in a whirlwind of emotions. 'There goes my happy marriage... Thanks royal duties...' She let out a deep sigh, a sigh of resignation as she accepted the unexpected turn her life had taken. She had sworn an oath to serve, and this was well within the scope of her duties.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of her thoughts, there was a strange realization. She never imagined that this day would come, not with the king no longer among the living and the little prince merely in middle school.

Elina couldn't help but wonder if Princess Josephine was orchestrating this as some form of retribution for Elina's previous spying endeavors. If she backed out now, she feared Josephine's retaliation, and that was a gamble she couldn't afford to take
