Empty Villa?

May 18th, 2026

After a week in Sylvergard, Wang Xiao had embarked on his return journey to Icevale on the night of May 15th. But what was supposed to be a routine trip had taken a series of unexpected turns.

Now, three days later, an utterly exhausted Wang Xiao emerged on the south coast of Icevale. His appearance was that of a man pushed beyond his limits – drenched, with eyes tired and void, almost zombie-like in their emptiness.

"Yin Yue, next time you want to kill me, just say it directly!" Wang Xiao grumbled aloud, his voice a mix of exhaustion and irritation. With a heavy thud, he collapsed onto the sandy beach, sprawled out and spent.

Behind him lay the foreboding expanse of Whispering Woods, with its tall birch trees standing like sentinels, forming a maze-like barrier.