Spotting the Hell Spirit again!

Aisha, visibly shrinking under the weight of Wang Xiao's intense inquiry, fumbled for her words. "I... She said she was going to take a bath, upstairs," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her eyes were downcast, avoiding Wang Xiao's penetrating gaze, as if seeking refuge in the folds of the blanket she clutched tightly around her.

"Taking a bath, upstairs?" Wang Xiao echoed, his eyebrows arching in mild skepticism. He pondered her response for a moment, his mind analyzing the plausibility of her statement.

Despite his doubts, he decided to verify her claim first. "I'll go and take a look," he announced, his voice carrying a note of finality.

As he moved towards the stairs, his every step seemed to echo through the tense atmosphere of the room.

Aisha watched him go, her body tensed like a coiled spring. It was only when his imposing presence began to fade with distance that she allowed herself a small sigh of relief.