When Earth screams 'neath bloody rain, heavens' cries shake the sky! (3)


Several of the women couldn't resist the urge and vomited on the spot, their retching causing Wang Xiao to visibly recoil in disgust.

He then turned his attention to Jhenny, who bore her suffering silently, her eyes wide with terror as she gazed upon the gruesome remains of once-living beings before her.

"The food lacks some spices," Wang Xiao, still merciless, seemed to have a sudden realization as his eyes locked onto the petrified Jhenny.

"Huh?" Jhenny's hands involuntarily shot up into the air before a sharp gust of wind sliced through her.


Her hand was severed, blood spurting out like a fountain, her disembodied hand floating in front of her as a few twigs and branches twisted together, creating a makeshift place for a small campfire.

