Posien Maiden: Interrogation!

Outside the castle!

Once a beacon of purity, the angelic statue now stands drenched in crimson, its once pristine form tainted.

The crimson water beneath it mirrors the same eerie hue, a reflection of the ominous transformation.

Against the moonlit sky, the majestic walls of the castle gleam, casting an unsettling glow that betrays its true inhabitant—a devil, not an angel!

Inside the castle...

"I asked you to quietly dispose of their remains; why then did you orchestrate such a spectacle?" Wang Xiao, sprawled lazily across the sofa in a feigned slumber, couldn't resist craning his neck towards Aurora, who had just breezed into the dimly lit majestic hall of the castle.

Aurora's gaze briefly swept across the scene, landing on Elara who was seated at the foot of the couch.

Elara's hands were gently massaging Wang Xiao's legs, which were draped over her lap, all the while maintaining an expression of unwavering stoicism.