"You haven't answered me yet, when did you become a mage?" Wang Xiao probed again, his interest piqued.

Seraphina shrugged, her understanding vague, "I don't remember exactly... It started with a strange feeling in my body after the outbreak two years ago. I felt an unusual coldness, and took medical advice, but no doctor could pinpoint any issue."

"Then, a few months later, I dreamt of a glowing dot in a freezing part of my consciousness. This happened a few days after I first heard about the Star Map."

While Seraphina recounted her experience casually, Wang Xiao listened with a bitter smile.

Indeed, the Star Map was not the end-all of their powers.

It served as a visual framework, helping practitioners structure and understand their abilities.

Since learning of the Star Map, Seraphina had unconsciously chosen to follow its path.