The Talking Dragon!

"Dad... Are you sure it's a good idea to go near it?"

When everyone expected Wang Xiao to lead them to the volcano for sightseeing, he instead took them to a cliff, now frozen in ice and veiled in a ghostly mist.

The mist, however, parted as if fearing to approach Wang Xiao, revealing the majestic dragon resting at the edge.

Wenxi felt a chill of and spoke up. She didn't doubt Wang Xiao's ability to deal with the dragon, but she sensed it wasn't wise to provoke such a mighty creature with unknown strength.

"Is that a real dragon?" Yue blinked twice, her eyes widening with astonishment.

She hadn't expected to see such a mythical being.

Even in Xianthera, dragons were only whispered of in ancient legends.

Seraphina stood two steps behind Wang Xiao, her gaze sweeping the surroundings with cautious awe, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and wonder.