Tiger mom

"Hera, keeping me awake for days won't make things more efficient. People need sleep, not coffee."

Elliot looked up, already slumped on the floor,​​ as he didn't know where to sit anymore. Books cluttered around him; he had been studying the books she had given him aside from the file she told him to study. In the beginning, Elliot was enthusiastic, but now he could no longer feel anything but exhaustion. 

The dark circles around his eyes were proof the poor man needed sleep. His usually neatly brushed hair was spiking all over the place. He hadn't changed clothes. His overall look just seemed groggy, no doubt. 


"You almost killed my old man." Hera yawned, sitting idle on the couch. "Studying hard is quite a small price to pay."

"So, this is how you're going to torture me?" Elliot scoffed calmly in disbelief. "This is new. I never heard someone getting tortured by studying."