👸 Mrs Collins 👸
# i love Sophia of a girl since her mother wish that i must make sure i should make sure to take care of her till she gets married i decide that i will bethrode her to Lauren but they both hate each other lauren has been a pathetic man since Cara Sinclair the lady the he first fall in love
with got an admission to Amb. Bims fashion school in france, lauren wants to go with her but my husband will not hear of it , he wants his to stay in south africa to learn bussiness adminisation so that he can take over the bussiness he is sick in bed and Lauren is not helping matters, sophia just lost her mother at the expanse of his father's illiness still he show no simpathy for the girl although sophia too did not take it lightly for him. how will i make the two be together and my dream of geeting them both married come true ????
sophia is now geeting on my nerves how can se revoke my orders she live in my house for crying out loud she beahves as if she knows everything and behaves as we own the house together . Mum 🕯 caused it anyways i will let her know her lane that she is nothing more than a maid then i went to sleep
lauren of a guy is harsh i don like his personality he is a jerk, he is a bully and and idiot 👻how i wish he is a boyrfriend to that witch Natasha they fit each other, he counts me as if i was a maid and when his mother brought me in she didn't tell me that i will be a maid and to him anyways i just despise him he is a jerk ...
i hit my fist 👊 on my pillow as if it was him and i slept off second day ....
at school the second day Natasha is determined runing sophia, she planned a trick with her bestie Janet.
it was during practical agriculture period, everyone is assigned to different tasks, the rich kids at ravers college hate this part of school activites the most but to sophia it was fun to be free from class and those annoying teachers. she worked diligntely with Amrita chatting behind her
AMR(Amrita )
AMR: did you know that Natasha is the most annoying person i have ever seen?
💃 of course she is annoying (she replies as she water 💧 the vegetables but Amrita is just holding the watering can doing nothing)
AMR: in fact she is a jerk but lets forget about her so how is your stay with Lauren
💃 why asking he is also a bully
AMR: bully? or romantic
💃 rita stop it i hate him
AMR: wait i heard that you guys kissed in the garedn
💃 its not true
AMR; i heard that you are his maid and you bath for him
💃(she raised her heads frustrated ) Amrita will you stop this questions i am working for crying out loud pls mind your tongue
dont be surprised by Amrita that is how she is always outspoken, and daring no dull moments
then she came(JANET) she put her legs 🍗 on the vgetables causing water to splash and wet her skirts
Sophia was about to talk but janet falls down intentionally and start rolling in the mud and shouting drawing attention to them
👥 what happend janet
jane: she (pointing at sophia)she beat me and splash water on me
👥 why will she do that
jane: because i came to ask for the watering can from Amrita but she don't let her gimme but she hushed me up nd beat me saying thats my punishmnet for following Natasha in bullying her
👥 she is so wicked
👥who can say maybe she is jealous of janet's beauty
👥she is a maid what did you expect form someone that hails from the ghetto
alll the strudents throws abusive words at sophia but she didnt say any thing because she knows that no amount of explaination can make them undrstand that she is innocent.
💃 sophia💃
Amrita steps forward to talk but i dragged her back and blocks her mouth because i know that if she intervene i wll be in more troubles because of her no filter mouth soon our class teacher Mr. oliver came
"whats going on here ? he asked
they explained their fake predicament to him and he gave me punsihment of weeding a one acre land of vegetables then they departed leaving me to face my problems alone Amrita made to help me but the teacher is a no mercy man he said that no one must help me or else the person will face a bigger punishment than me.
I am on it i was thirsty and 😪
tired but i dont want to show my weakness in front of the whole class standing around and mocking me then i saw someones leg towering over me i looked up it was Natasha i knew this was her doing then she blurt out:
"weldone young mistress i told you that no one can snatch whats mine or play game with me and wins "
i was furious but i cannot do anything not want to add to my punishment
then she continued
🙎If you want to stay comfortably in this school leave my lauren or else i will make your life miserable even your dead mother will not be able to save you from me
this time i cant take it any longer
she cant take she was surprised how did she know about her mother she did not want tuosay anyhting not wanting to add to her problems but this time she didnt care
Sophia as if on impluse she slapped natasha that she stagers and falls then natasha start her 🐊crocodile tears 😭 predicament
🙎 how can you do this i came to 🆘 help you at the expanse of my own punishment as a class mate but you slapped me just like you did to janet
she cried out loud Amrita and others ran to the scene then Amrita suddenly said
AMR: of course she has to slap you for your fake help witch"she said and walks away in disgust
this time everyone is around them again the teacher gave sophia another punishmen she must run 30 laps on the school wide 🏑 field
Sophia did not object she knows that she is in for trouble
i witnessed everything that is happening on the agriculture 🚜 garen but i cant do anything because she as told me not to help her again still a part of me still want to help her i witnessed how Natasha make a fake predicament although i know that Sophia slapped her but i know she must have say something evil 🙊 again.
i saw her running on the field like a small girl then she fainted