chapter 8 another trouble


She was tired but she dont want to give her classmates especially that evil Natasha and her dog Janet the chance to laugh at her but her frail body canoy take it again she fell down and fainted. Bur no one noticed they just just confine with whatever antics they we're performing . Lauren wish to help but he knows the consequences Of it. Just praying silently that someone should come to her rescue. The a hand beat him from the back he looked back and found Amrita standing there like a teacher. Then she began

"You rich bastard so you can't go and help her right and you live together don't you idiot??? "

She said questionly❓❓❓

Lauren was dumbfounded how can she do that to him he knows that ah is getting guts because her friend lives at his house 🏚 then he went over 🇫🇷 to the field and pick her up.


"😮 Wow 😮 where are my?? Are my dead 💀 this place looks like paradise such a stary theme"

I stare 👁 in awe at the place I am in then I looked around and noticed that I was in my room how??

But I was running 🎽, Natasha was bullying me how come I am at home 🏠 she looked around ❓ and saw him sleeping 😪 beside my bed how dare he???

I slapped his head he jumped up immediately then he began

😈Awwsh tomboy did you wantu murder me?? (he asked rubbing his hands on his head 💀 )

💃I won't let you die until you tell me why you slept in my room an why I am home

😈you are ungrateful who wants to help you, tomboy if not for Amrita will I be here

Maybe you will have been dead and join your mother

💃Are you 😡 mad (I asked shouting)


👻Author 👻

Both 🙌 of them are quite born enemies, Meanwhile Mrs. Collins I by the door listening to their fights.

The next day at school 🚸 🚸

"The maid is rescued by a handsome prince"

The voice said sophia looked up and saw Natasha looking at her again but she didn't answer ✅ her. She was too busy to answer

Life goes on as usual, Sophia and Lauren became more and more enemies Natasha became more ➕ arrogant and bitch, Janet well us just Janet BBC as usual,




One day, school is bustling with activities as usual, some in the laboratory 🔬 some in the filed, sone in the class, Class A students were in their class bustling as usual some snapping pictures, some sleeping, some gisting Lauren and Williams are in the corridor busy pinging on their phones drawing attention of females as usual even some teachers stop to admire the Greek Gods. Class B, 😢😢😢😢😢Busy, noisy 🔊 some we're sleeping some formed a group 👥 of gisting with Amrita the jolly girl 👧 in the middle 🖕 probably saying something interesting but Janet came to class B to spoil the joyful atmosphere to ask about the note she gave to a guy in class B to copy

Janet: You fool didn't i say you must copy my notes 📒 early

The gyye: so sore i was busy

Janet: remember that your father's company is collaborating with our company so don't try nonsense with me

The 👦 guy : pls don't do anything to my father pls

Janet : whatever copy it fast or I'll

she said and raised her hands with a rolled 🗞 book as if to hit him.

Someone held her behold it was Sophia ‼️

💃talk with your mouth 👄 not with your fists she said.

Natasha came in

🙎Whi are you to question ❓ her authority

💃because this is my class

🙎What a class of babbons anyway if you don't know b4 everyone in this class writes note for us so mind your talk 💬

💃Why will they write notes 📒 for you witch

🙎Because they are low 🔅 to our caliber how did you expect me to write 🇦🇱 notes with my beautiful fingers 👆

💃Beautiful and lazy finger 👆

She faced the class

💃Mind you everyone, Don't let us fall into this butch puppet we xansav ourselves because the my are rich doesn't mean 😏 they can control 🛂 us

Everyone nod in unison

then they argued with each other, Natasha and her dog Janet threw dirts at them but amrita stood in front 🐥 and shield 🛡 Sophia.

Later they ended up defeating Natasha.

**Second day***at dinning hall

Everyone in Class B joined Sophia to eat by treating her to a special treat they offered her fish she tried to reject it saying she is allergic to it but...

👥C"mon sophia eat it pls as friends

👥You saved us today

After series of persuation she agreed.

Later in the 🎂 day 🎂

Mr oliver the History 📜 teacher came to the class with a giant 💓 flower 👑 vase 🏺 he called Giant vase if China 🇨🇳 . his class is always interesting because of the story sections in the class but Sophia is able to hear anything she was scratching her body 👃 Mr. Oliver called sophia to identify something in the parts of the flower vase 🏺. As she hold it she made to scratch her body but the vase fell and broke

😢You fool can't you see 🙊 this thing can cost me my job. You must pay for it" he said and walks out angrily


"😮 😮 The maid has landed in trouble," that was from Janet the gossiper

I heard the word "Maid " I know that she is referring to Sophia then i became more ➕ attentive

She continued " She broke the ancient 📜 flower vase 🏺 and she must pay for it"She announced like a gossiper that she is

OMG 😱 😱 tomboy I cursed under my breathe, she can't stop causing me troubles

Purple love 💜💜💜 Osuolale writes🖋🖋