chapter 9



I don't want to cause Mrs Collins any problemand I don't want that devil to help me how will I pay for it i dont know I am not able to sleep, Amrita offered to help bur I don't want to bother her either just then I remember my ghetto, my friends, my partner in crimes Angela and Tahir. Since I came here i decide to pay them a visit.


I met Tahir at his shop where there seems to be festivities I wonder wats popping then I saw Tahir proposing to Angela . After the usual "kiss kiss, say yes yes matter we settled down to chat

Angela; Sophia so you forgot us right ✔️? Since you have gat some rich friends??

💃Noo in don't forget I am just busy with school

Tahir: school 🚸?? Ok tell us bout your new home and school

I told them about lauren, Mrs Collins, mr lake our driver, then I mentioned Natasha the bully, janet the gossiper, the cold and quiet 😶 Williams and lastly Amrita

Tahir: I said it she gat a lot of rich 🤑 friends that's why she forgot about 🇻🇮 us

💃come off it Tahir I need your help.....

I told him about mr Oliver and the broken ancient flower vase 🏺 after series of talks and talks Tahir told me that he will help me search for a part time job that i can do to get the money 💰

I returned home and met him at the sitting room (, 😈😈)

👻Author 👻

Lauren as been wondering where his talkative tomboy can be he searched for her in her room but she is nowhere to be found.

He was sitting at the living room waiting when she entered

😈Where have you been

💃How is your bussiness about my whereabouts

😈How is your day at school

💃Why asking I know you might have known about the broken vase by your class BBC

😈Thats not what I am asking I asked why did you break the vase

💃I am suffering from allergic reaction from the fish I ate

😈Why will you eat fish 🎏 when you are allergic to it

💃Why did you care 💅? $he asked and w@lk£d @way.

The second day, after school 🚸 Tahir came to pick Sophia with his small scooter he gas found a car wash job for both of them he wants to help her. Lauren say this but he didn't say anything he went home alone.

At the car wash they we're paid 2 thousands for each car washed, Sophia and Tahir worked diligntely that thier com workers envied them.

Sometimes Angela will bring food for them this Sophia liked Mrs Collins is suspecting but she is too busy to be poke nosing Mr Collins is recuperating so she is mostly at the hospital. Sophia with return he late but lauren pretend thatbhe didn't notice.

Soon the money is complete she paid for the vase and her life returned to normal and both Sophia and Lauren became more enemies not until one day....

😈Lauren 😈

Dad is getting better soon he is back home 🏠, but mum decide they go for vacation in the states 🇺🇸 leaving Sophia and I at home 🏠. It was a beautiful Saturday will bright 😎 rays ☀️ everywhere is cool and interesting our house is silent 😶 mum and dad is not at home, our servants are at their quarters, they seems happy that mum is not home if he had been home they will be working their bones out.

I am in my room surfing the internet 📶, everywhere is boring no mum to chat with, mr Lake our driver is no where to he found or else we will have been talking about footballs, William number is unreachable I would have visited him. Every where is Soo boring that I almost cried, these today I am tired of fighting and arguing with that girl sophia, I decide to be friends with her but how ???


Sophia is having a hard time in her room she was on a Video chat with Amrita but it seems Amrita is tired of talking she went offline, most of her classmates we're posting pictures of their weekend online some on vacation some on excursion some on dates but she,??? In her room she wanted to visit Tahir n Angela but they went on a date.

Just then he entered slowly!! LAUREN!!

She was surprised because he used to barge in like a fool bit today he seems gentle and bored 😒 then he began

😈Sophia, I... A...

💃(surprised) what 😦

😈i mean sophia.....

💃I am not used to been called sophia by you call me tomboy like yoy always do pls

😈Ok.. Sophia.. I mean tomboy can we be friends


😈I am fed up of fighting with you let's be friends for once and make this house lively now that mom and dad is not at home

💃Really so you can speak softly?? Ok no problem ⚠️ but my mind 🌬 is telling me yoy are up some pranks Devil

😈Tomboy there you are can't yoy be gentle for once always violent


They played together that day, they go shopping 🏪, they went for a drive, Sophia took him to the ghetto where they played With a cat.

The servants were surprises to see thier young master and mistress befriended.

It rained that day they played under the rain together and eat thier hearts content.

They did as if they we're old friends OMG 😱 😱 it was beautiful

**School ****

Wat happened in school on Monday.

Stay tuned....
