The Storm Hero

The skies behind Bluekeep Fortress churned and roiled, a vortex of dark clouds shot through with veins of molten gold. The storm was small but intense, a driving mass of thunderheads that speared directly toward the city. Lightning danced across the sky, each strike a brilliant explosion of light that illuminated monstrous silhouettes hidden in the clouds. The thunder that followed was a deep, guttural growl, shaking the city to its core.

"Is that what I think it is?" Korra muttered to herself.

I shook my head, pursing my lips as I analyzed the incoming storm. This was as much an ordinary storm as the Anomaly's blizzard, which still buffeted the city from the portal high above. Mana laced within every electric eruption, fueling the light show and bringing the clouds ever nearer.

"Lady Xiviyah, what are your orders?" Bethiv asked, looking up at the storm, worry apparent in his gaze.