The Dead Wing Legion

The storm thundered up above as the two heroes stared at each other, both waiting for the other to make the first move. I cringed, my tail flicking nervously, as I waited for Grace to unleash a seventh-level magical technique and obliterate us, but her aura abruptly dropped until it rivaled Korra's. Before Grace could adjust to her new power level, Korra lunged forward, a water dragon coiling around her wrist. 

"Dirty," Grace spat, spinning her spear in front of her.

She caught the blow on the haft of her spear, grunting as the force pushed her back several feet. Korra wasted no time following up with a sharp kick, and then a flurry of punches. Grace's eyes widened in surprise as she was forced back, unable to do more than defend. Korra let out a low cry and used one of her Magic Arts, summoning a water dragon that curled around Grace's leg. It dragged at the Storm Hero's movements, allowing Korra to land a solid blow to her chest.