Chapter XIX: The Infiltration of Folksteadheim [2]

As the sun reached its peak, illuminating the gray curtain wall attached to the stony rounded watchtowers with men in mail and gambeson upon its battlements, ever so keen at their posts, Velmund and his companions marched towards the drawbridge connecting the castle to the rest of the town. As he traversed the path, he gazed upon the castle turret with the flag bearing the sigil of House Frenzell: an eagle with folded wings perched upon a tree branch. Diverting his gaze from the turret and flag, his eyes darted towards the gatehouse sealed with an iron portcullis, where two men-at-arms remained on standby, maintaining their keen vigilance as the dutiful guardians of the lord of Falmundth's residence.

"Halt!" a soldier wielding a halberd calmly demanded, his weapon standing erect pointed at the sky. "State your name and concern."