Chapter XXVII: A Game of Generals [3]

"... The castle is full of extravagant yet impractical things, is it not?" 

"By the gods, my lord!" the Lord Treasurer exclaimed in disbelief, almost knocking his chair to the ground. "Some of those are House Walruse's heirlooms; treasures that are passed down from the time of your great grandfather, Duke Aldrene!"

"He has a point…" the old scholar's voice trailed off, nodding as he leaned upon his staff.

"Right, Master Alfron! Tell him what I mean!" the Lord Treasurer desperately pleaded.

"Nay, I meant that Velmund has a point," the Lord Chamberlain added, disappointing his peer in the inner council. "What use can wealth have when it is not being spent, eh?"

"Absurd! You are siding with him? Come now, Master Alfron, Lord Velmund. Your predecessors poured great efforts to accumulate those treasures. Have a heart, will you?"