Chapter XXVII: A Game of Generals [4]

"Have you not caught his intentions yet? Why do you think he would only summon the two of us and not the entire inner council? Specifically, the only two who are trusted enough by the late Duke, and I presume, young Velmund himself as well." 

"Could this be about the position of the Lord General, then?" Lord Fenric guessed, unmistakably.

"As astute as ever, Master Alfron," Velmund praised, steepling his hands. "It is as you say, I want to extract your opinion on who would occupy the vacant spot in the inner council, as I have yet to trust its other members, save for you two and Lord Commander Kursoe, who is preoccupied at the moment."

"So, you want us to pick the candidates for the position of Lord General?" Lord Fenric correctly surmised. "Is that what this is about, my lord?"