Name: Rosalie Rose Morrigan

Age: 17

Race: Human (formally), Cybertronian (currently)

Height: 5ft,10

Autobot name: Ace


Rose is the daughter of Mark Morrigan who was a Lieutenant of the United States Army which is where he met her mother Maria a field medic unfortunately Rose never met her mother since she died giving birth to her. Her father was later killed in action in the Afghanistan war when his truck stepped on a land mine, officially making her an Orphan at the age of 16. He didn't leave her empty handed tho since her family was quite rich.

Her family has always been in the army dating all the way back to the first world war a legacy she intends to carry on by enlisting after graduating High School.

She is also a car enthusiast, ever since he dad took her on a ride on his Chevy Impala when she was 10 she fell in love with cars and learned everything she can about them to the point that she can build and dismantle one. This eventually drew her to street racing something she enjoyed doing as pass time and an activity she was undefeated in.

1 day while she was racing as usual one of the participants side-bumped her in the back causing her to lose control and crash into the side of a mountain then the floor below her car cracked and gave away sending her into a cave filled with glowing blue crystals.

Rose was lucky that the only thing she broke was an arm. She tried getting out of the car but her seatbelt was stuck and then her ears picked up a beeping sound coming from in front of her. When she looked at what was beeping she found a metallic object with an oval shape.

The thing continued beeping before suddenly opening up revealing its purple core which glowed brightly before everything went black. What she didn't know was that when the thing exploded it started turning everything into metal including her but when it reached and covered the blue crystals the metal stopped spreading. Blue lines started to flow through the metal formed and settled on where Rose's Heart was. It started pulsing and all the metal that formed started to retract into her metallic form her car also dissolved into her.

Ratchet was alerted to a massive Energon spike near their base and sent Arcee and Bumblebee to investigate. But what they found was not Energon but a human-sized female bot that lay unconscious in the middle of an empty cave.

When Rose woke again the first thing she saw was a giant robot looking down on her. She tried to move away from it but she found that she was restrained to a table freaking her out even more. The robot tried to calm her down but she wasn't having it she had to escape at that thought her body exploded into a cloud of nanites which reformed into her human form instead of her robotic one shocking the 6 Autobots.

She looked at her hands confused about how she did that but shakes her head and keeps running but she was blocked by a blue motorcycle that transforms into a big blue female bot and a beautiful one at that. She introduces herself as Arcee and that they're just trying to help her. Rose doesn't know what it was but Arcee's voice calms her down and she listens to what they had to say.

After being introduced to the others she retells what she remembers shocking them even more that she wasn't a cybertronian organism but was a human. After getting the description of the object Optimus Prime explained that it was an object their ancestors used to create the leaving metal that all cybertronians are made of and that she was lucky that there was enough Energon in the cave to revive her or she would have been a metal statue forever.

Bot mode

Battle mode

Vehicle modes

Since Rose can turn into a cloud of nanites and increase her size however she wants, she can transform into any vehicle she scans therefore not restricting her to one form.

Aircraft modes



(she's 17 in this instead of 15)