Resident Evil: Demonic

Name: Kira Kibutsuji

Age: 20 physically

Race: True demon

Gender: Female

True forms:

Father: Muzan Kibutsuji

Mother: ??? (Deseased)

Back story:

Kira is the daughter of Muzan and a woman whom Muzan turned in his early days. The mother to Muzan's disappointment died giving birth to Kira because of her sheer power.

Since Kira is a born demon her true form is her demonic one and to Muzan's pride she doesn't have their weaknesses, The sunlight is a minor annoyance, wisteria and sun-based weapons do minimal damage to her.

With her being a true-born demon from the progenitor of demons her regeneration and adaptation are leagues above all demons, including her father.

Her power is such that it's one of the things her father truly fears there for she's not under his control.

Kira's stance on humanity is that she's intrigued yet indifferent. She finds her father's little kisuki group slightly annoying. She can wield demon blood art with ease and her magic is primal and chaotic in nature.

Kira has her father's pride and she creates demons through her magic instead of her blood. She finds it wasteful to use it on inferior creatures. Unlike her father, she doesn't see the need to create an army of demons.

Kira and her demons don't cause much trouble therefore her presence is explained as a folklore or a legend by the Demonslayers and low rank demons.

With her status and power, she has a group of cultists that worship and revere her as a goddess.


Biological Absorption: Kira has the ability to absorb, assimilate and dissolve organic and inorganic objects.

Nigh-Absolute Regeneration: As a True born Demon, Kira possesses the fastest and most advanced regeneration out of all demons including her father, recovering so fast that it seemed like the attacks phased through her and she was never injured in the first place.

Demon Power Nullification: As a true-born demon and the daughter of the progenitor of demons, Kira can nullify the powers of a demon whether her own or created by her father.

Fire Manipulation: Kira can breathe fire from her mouth and from all over her body. She can control the intensity of the flames at will.

Power Incorporation: Kira can incorporate other's powers. These powers are then increased according to Kira's own strength.

Electricity Manipulation: Kira can generate electric shocks from her hands powerful enough to stun or kill her enemies.

Energy Projection: Kira can unleash a widespread energy attack so powerful it can easily cut through the Earth's surface as it passes through, lifting a severed disk of oceanic crust, seawater and the sky above it into the air before it crashes back down.

Existential Pathology: Kira has the potential to corrupt, supplant, and assimilate living & non-biological matter through her blood or magic. Enabling the amalgam to spread out and consume the world, becoming a mind capable of giving automation to the whole of the earth, essentially becoming a living planet.

Flight: She can fly using her wings.

Psychic Barrier: Kira has a very strong psychic barrier surrounding her body. Which she can turn on and off.

Tendril Generation: Kira can unravel her body into a nest of tendrils with their own faces, claws, and fangs that they can use to bite and scratch. After learning an enemy's fighting style, she can also use their skills in conjunction with her serpentine limbs.

Telepathy: Kira has the ability to read the thoughts of those whom she creates by looking at them.

Extrasensory Perception: Kira possesses extremely acute senses that even allow her to perceive things outside the normal range of perception.

Genius Intellect: Having lived for over a millennia and gained further experience from her father, Kira is extremely clever and erudite. Since like her father she has five fully functioning brains, it would most likely boost her intelligence and other mental capabilities such as memory and cognitive processing.

Immeasurable Strength: Kira's physical strength is superior to that of all demons in existence.

Immeasurable Speed and Reflexes: Kira's is tremendously fast, possessing movement speed and reflexes that surpass the Upper Ranks of the Twelve Kizuki.

Unlimited Stamina & Endurance: Like all demons, Kira possesses infinite stamina and endurance, never getting tired nor feeling any pain.

AN: This book was suggested by Fount_of_wonder. Thank you for the support and feel free to suggest more ideas. This goes for all of you guys as well don't be shy to give me your ideas.