You need someone to watch your house. I'll take care of him. He's very lonely when you're not around." Koma smiled softly. "Okay. Thanks Kuma. You really are a wonderful person," Koma nodded, "not to mention beauty and charm. He winked and laughed. "I mean it. Thank you. "Just wait until you see him. He will love you. You won't be able to stay away." Koma chuckled as he watched Yuusuke walk towards the entrance of the hospital. "So this is where your boyfriend works," Yuusuke said. Yes, it looks like we've arrived. Come in," Koma said to Yusuke. — Thank God, they give us rooms together. I wouldn't want to lose my roommate." Yusuke laughed and followed him inside. "Hey, Yuusuke. How are you holding up? Kagami asked, noticing them walking through the front door. - Fine. Now that we're here, I feel much better." Yuusuke replied. - This is good. Tomorrow we'll go to our new hotel, but it looks like you're stuck with me for a while," Kagami chuckled, "Don't worry, it's okay." You can watch TV and stuff. Or play video games. Kagami chuckled. "Fine". Yusuke agreed. "We also managed to convince one of the nurses to let you use her computer while she takes a break. So that's the only thing we have to do right now. You can start working on your project," Kagami explained as he led him to his room, "I hope everything goes well," Kagami said, pointing to a stack of files on his desk, "that's where I'll start." Then I'll go through these papers and see what I can find out." Yusuke said. He sat on the edge of the bed and began going through each folder. Kagami glanced over his shoulder and began to read. - Is this your school? ratings? Kagami asked. "Yes," Yusuke replied. - Wow. You are very smart, right? he commented. Yuusuke looked up from his work. His face turned red with embarrassment. - Thank you! he said shyly. - This is true. You are really smart. Kagami nodded. "Anyway, what do you have?" - he asked. I struggled through most of the lessons," Yusuke admitted. - What?! You did! I can attest because we shared them together last year! Do you remember the time when we were assigned to write a report on the English language? I helped you with that," Kagami insisted. "Well…thank you," Yuusuke said. "Don't thank me yet. There are so many papers that you still need to read," Kagami said. Yuusuke looked down again, "I know, I just thought..." He trailed off. - What did you just think? Kagami asked, turning and leaning against the wall behind him. "Nothing. I'll finish the rest of the files later," Yusuke said, "try again. Maybe a few different items too. Maybe you won't fail this year after all," Kagami suggested. Yusuke nodded. but how am I supposed to choose between all the books?" Yusuke asked, looking puzzled. "There are tons of books. Take the ones you like," Kagami shrugged. Yusuke shook his head. "I don't want