Houka Semper foi ambicioso e Semper teve um gosto pela manipulação. Ele cresceu em uma família de Elite e sempreteve acesso a educação de alto nível, mas nunca se contentou com isso. Ele queria mais, queria ter poder e influência sobre os outros.

Assim, quando chegou o momento de escolher sua escola defoi treinado para ser o melhor em tudo o Que fazia. Ele era inteligente e astuto, e usava suas habilidades para conseguir o que queria.

Quando Houka entrou em uma das escolas de Elite mais prestigiadas do país, ele rapidamente se destacou pela sua inteligência e carisma. Ele logo se tornou amigo de muitas pessoas influences and comes to planejar sua ascensão na escola.

No entanto, sua ambição não parou por aí. Houka começou a olhar para outras escolas de Elite e decidiu que queria ser o líder de todas elas. Ele começou a trabalhar em segredo para criar um conflito entre as escolas e, eventualmente, desencadear uma guerra entre elas. Chapter 1

Hawkey's plan worked quickly and a war broke out between the various elite schools. In the end, Houka emerged victorious. The defeated schools had no choice but to join him or lose face.

Hawke was extremely charismatic and a master of manipulation. He soon gained control of other schools. He used his position to get them in shape and became the leader of all the elite schools.

As the leader of all the elite schools, Houka decided it was time to take the next step. In his opinion, there was no one who could stop him. All he had to do was take over the government. But the hero summoning Nikkoman wasn't going to let that happen and soon prepared a War against Houka, Nikkoman gathered some policemen and some policemen to fight Houka. A battle broke out between Houka and Nikkoman and Houka started to fall. The police arrested Huka. He was taken to prison and put on trial.Chapter 2A battle broke out between Hawke and Nikkoman, and Hawke began to fall. The police arrested Huka. He was taken to prison and put on trial.

Hawke was tried and sentenced to life in prison. His followers were tried and imprisoned, and the schools were dissolved. However, Hawke was not one to give up easily. Houka swore revenge on Nikkoman, and it was only a matter of time before he was released from prison.Chapter 3 However, Houka was not one to give up easily. Houka swore revenge on Nikkoman, and it was only a matter of time before he was released from prison. Houka spent years behind bars plotting his revenge, and when he did get out, he made a plan. Soon, Houka manipulated several students from the elite school into attacking several police stations. Within a few days, several police stations were overrun and the police were forced to retreat. Chapter 4 Houka was now ready to carry out his plan. He gathered some of his students and sent them to war.