Until the helicopter arrived, the situation at the rival school worsened by the minute. Hawke and his students were armed and threatened to shoot if the police or other authorities approached. The hostages were in a panic and the situation seemed hopeless, Houka ordered his cronies to threaten the hostages and demanded that the police not intervene or he would kill them all. The police surrounded the rival school and began negotiations with Hawke, but he refused to release the hostages, not having an escape helicopter.

Meanwhile, the hostages and teachers were terrified and did not know what to do. Some tried to negotiate with Hawke and his henchmen, while others focused on trying to escape.

The helicopter finally arrived, and Houka and his accomplices left with the hostages as human shields. The police began a pursuit on the ground and in the air, but Hawke and his associates were able to escape.

With the help of his cronies, Hawke managed to escape from prison and carry out a daring plan that shocked the entire city. Now Hawka is being hunted by the police as a rival school struggles to recover from the trauma of the attack.