Hugel - a boy who lived very poorly, lived in the countryside. Zombo is in a miserable favela called Jacare Sul, where several criminals practiced their crimes and got away with it. justice in the favela or the government did not care much for them, so when Hugel was 15 years old he killed his first bandit with his own hands, the bandit tried to rob a lady who was walking her dog, and they aimed at her head when Hugel heard screams and approached the scene, he saw Bandit aiming a gun at a woman who was about to kill her, Hugel did not stay still, so he fell on the bandit with everything and kicked him not so hard that the bandit fell to the ground, dropping his weapon, Hugel grabbed the gun and without hesitations took aim at the bandit's head. Shot in the head.

Hawke in first person

Houka moved with his family from high society to an area where several rich people lived, Houka was a quiet boy in his house, although he was from a billionaire family, Houka was still a very hot guy, did not get involved in the games of other rich people. children, Hawkey's hobby was watching old war films, his favorite was watching films about the war between Zombo and Khus, where the Dictator Pedroko took over the Zombo country and became a cruel dictator, Hawkey saw Pedroko as an idol for him not for the cruelty he inflicted on his people , but for the war he declared to the Khas country in 190, Houka loved the war, Houka saw the war as entertainment for himself, Houka enjoyed watching soldiers kill each other for his country, they also felt adrenaline in them, Houka was Adopted when they were 4 by a caring billionaire family, Hawke was a hot boy from the age of 4, but also very smart for his age.